I had a consultation about my Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) on Thursday, the consultant told me that my treatment with venetoclax has been totally successful and that my bloods are absolutely normal and, that I am in full remission.
I meant to ask but didn’t think of it until after the consultation if, I now have normal immunity to covid 19 or whether I am still vulnerable. I will ring the clinic and ask for an explanation sometime this week.
Hi @Mickbrit, great news for you, I hope you celebrated
Please let us know what your clinic says as from what I am hearing us Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)’ers are notoriously bad at producing antibodies to the vaccines.
Obviously whatever answer you get will be taking your individual medical history into account.
Look after yourself
Really great news! Interesting question. Let us know what youngish out when you call
Great to hear your good news, @Mickbrit!
Fantastic news @Mickbrit! I’d really encourage you to chat to your clinical team about this - you might also find it useful to read through our vaccine efficacy webpage here as it talks about Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) - Covid vaccine efficacy and blood cancer | Blood Cancer UK One theme found was that people with Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) in remission might have a better response than people on active treatment. We’d really encourage you to chat it through with your consultant and also talk through what the plan would be if you did catch Covid, as you’d still be eligible for an assessment by a CMDU (more info can be found here Antibody and antiviral treatments for people with blood cancer | Blood Cancer UK)
That is excellent news for you. It will be interesting to hear about your immunity as all the information is Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) has had a poor response to the vaccination program. Please do return and tell us the outcome
Good news @Mickbrit ! Bizarrely I’ve never had Covid either. I’ve had other infections and everyone around me seems to get Covid, some several times but not me. Either it’s still to come or I’ve got some sort of immunity that I wasn’t aware of.
Thats very interesting. I have taken a few risks recently and so far so good. I hope i have some immunity too. I have been looking after grandchildren, been on sever flights, mixing socially at our dancing sessions, going to the gym and went on a bus this week because i now have my OAP buss pass!
I keep wondering when my luck will run out.
That’s absolutely fantastic to hear that.Amazing man.
Hi @Graham53 and welcome to the forum. How are you keeping?
Hi @Graham53 a great big welcome to our forum.
If the 53 is the age you were diagnosed then I was also 53 when I was diagnosed, that is 18 yrs ago for me.
I look forward to hearing more about you.
Look after yourself
Thanks everyone for your interest. I have contacted the haematology clinic and they have confirmed that my immunity won’t have changed since I finished treatment probably 30-40%. I have had 4 jabs but it will improve if I have another booster. The reason they gave me was that venetaclax attacks the same cells that the vaccine does( I may have simplified that) so until I have a booster whilst not receiving treatment it won’t improve.
Thanks @Mickbrit thanks for putting your post in language and I way I could really understand.
Look after yourself
Research also shows that individuals who have recovered from an infection can develop naturally acquired immunity , which seems to be at least as protective as vaccine-induced immunity.
Hi @machin welcome to our forum and I think there is so much we do not known about Covid, it’s strains and it’s effects still.
Research takes time.
I look forward to hearing more about you.
You are now part of our forum family and if you need to talk to someone the Blood Cancer UK support line is there for you.
Look after yourself.
I’m part of a study at Oxford University called RUDY which looks at rare diseases like ours. They have joined forces with a project called PREPARE to look at effects of Covid vaccines on these diseases. I send them blood samples every three months and they run tests for their study but also keep personal results for me. It’s slow getting the personal info but I’ve had 2 lots so far. The first lot suggested that all things considered I was reacting pretty well. The second lot got revealed today and suggested that I’ve had a good antibody response but something went wrong with T Cell measurement in a technical way so the weren’t able to tell me. It’s also very unlikely that I’ve had Covid from what they can see which is bizarre if not unwelcome.
That sounds really interesting @Franko. How long does the study go on for?
I think the study is ongoing but the Covid part is being wound down once they’ve assessed what protection people have got after 4 vaccinations. The study website is [http://rudystudy.org]
Just an update on this subject and my personal situation.
Around the middle of april I got a chest infection which gradually got worse, contacted gp couldn’t be physically seen until 23rd April. When I woke up on Thursday 19th April I could hardly breathe so my wife took me to A&E where I was admitted straight away, had an X-ray which was very inconclusive and showed no infection so had a CT Scan using a die. That showed a very significant infection. I started a course of intravenous antibiotics and gradually improved. On the 26th I was given the news that I had contracted covid and would be transferred to a dedicated covid ward for the prescribed extremely vulnerable treatment IV antibiotics and corticosteroids which have worked well I am now off oxygen for 24 hours and am going home tomorrow hopefully. I shielded religiously for all the 2.1/2 years only to contract covid in hospital. At least things have turned out well in the end
Oh my goodness! I’m so glad the hospital have looked after you well and you are on your way to coming home. It must have been really scary for you and you family. Please keep us updated. Sending lots of special wishes your way