Invisible disability or people who think that you're back to 'normal!

Hi Hayley, I cannot imagine how your thoughts and emotions are at the moment. Especially as you have 2 of your children involved in procedures, I expect you will be torn in 2 directions. Please all take lots of care of yourselves and when you get a chance please let us know how you all are. If you feel the need to speak to someone the Bloodwise support line is free from UK landlines and mobile phones on 0808 2080 888 and they are available to take your call Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm and on Wednesdays from 10am-1pm, but you can get in touch whenever you want and leave a message and they say they will get back to you within one working day. We are all here to support you all on this community forum.


@cyprusfan Hi Hayley, hope you are ok. Im Su, I am one of the Bloodwise Support Services Officers here. I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through. As you say, it sounds like such a difficult time for you and your family- you’re understandably concerned for both of your children. It’s completely understandable to feel overwhelmed by it all.
have the treatment team looking after you all been able to support you, and give you all a good idea of what to expect?

Please feel free to talk on here, or as @Erica says, you are also very welcome to give us a call.

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@cyprusfan Hayley, I just wanted to wish you all the very best for tomorrow with your son’s stem cell transplant. Best wishes to you and your family, please do get in touch at any point if you need any support.



Wishing all of your family all the best x


Hi Cazzie, how are you doing?

@cyprusfan Hi Hayley, Hope all is well with you. Please don’t feel any pressure to respond to this immediately, as I imagine you must have so much on your plate right now. But it was just to say, I hope everything went ok on Friday with the transplant. I hope the three of you are alright. Please remember we are all always here whenever you want to talk Hayley.


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Hi Erica.
Thank you for asking.
I’m doing very well. I’ve got my three monthly hospital appointment next week, so I’m starting to feel the anxiety rising. I’m currently in remission, 15 months post stem cell transplant.
I still can’t believe that I was diagnosed with Mulitiple Myeloma April 2018. Time flies.
I live in hope that the ‘beast’ behaves itself for a very long time.:wink:


Anxiety before checks is normal. Just keep reminding yourself how far you have come, and I hope all is well

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Yes, I always get anxious before all medical appointments too. If you feel the need to talk to someone the Bloodwise support line is there for you, details above. Let us know how your three monthly hospital appointment goes next week.

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Hi Su

Hoping Nicholas will be home tomorrow. Bloods are climbing now and cells engrafted. He has however suffered badly with mouth/throat ulcers and muciositus.

Long road and his mouth still sore

Thank you for asking


Hi, Good news that Nicholas might be home tomorrow, although he is obviously still suffering. It sounds as if he might have very different dietary requirements. Please let us know how you are all doing when you can and spoil yourselves.

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@cyprusfan Hayley, hope you are doing okay? that’s so lovely to hear that Nicholas will be home! I am so sorry to hear about the ulcers and mucositis, that sounds so painful! Are you all getting support from your treatment team? As Erica says, Hayley, please do keep us posted on how you are all doing :+1: sending lots of very best wishes your way!

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Hoping Nicholas is settled back home. The mucositis and ulcers are awful, and I found the most difficult symptom to deal with. Even sips of water made me feel as if my head was going to explode, and eating was difficult. I used to suck jelly, and little mouthfuls of ice cream. How is his sister and has she talked much about her feelings? Best wishes

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