My mother of 63 has been diagnosed after being unwell and tests for 3 months. They finally did a bone marrow test to show her diagnosis. Looking for positive outcomes and hope! We are waiting to find out what type it is but anyone with a similar experience please reply
I have just responded to your other post.
I have recently been diagnosed with this myself in December. I’m 37 and haven’t found much about it from real life experiences so far. I hope your mothers genetic tests have come back by now and you have some answers
Hi Tara
Thank you for your reply and I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I’ve read so much about ALL but like you find little to go on in adults.
What has your treatment plan been so far and how are you feeling?
@wallydog So far my treatment has been quite intensive. I had a first round of chemo which resulted in my being in hospital for 10 weeks as my liver didn’t respond very well to the drugs and I became very jaundice. I then had three weeks off at home and am now back in hospital for round two. I’m half way through and this one isn’t quite as bad but again my liver is not happy.
I have had quite a few side effects neuropathy in my hands and feet was quite annoying and very painful and the reduction in my strength and mobility was scary.
How are things for your mother?