My partner

Hi my partner has been diagnosed with polycythemia robra Vera and is on hydroxycarbamide can he claim for a blue badge

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Hi @Caz1, thank you for posting and a very warm welcome to the community. May we ask how you and your partner are doing since his diagnosis? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Support Team if either of you wish to talk anything through or need any support (Blood cancer information and support by phone and email | Blood Cancer UK).

In case it’s useful at all, this webpage has information about Blue Badges including eligibility. You might also find our ‘Blood cancer: money and work’ page helpful. This includes information on other benefits and also financial support. Your local council may be able to offer more information on the Blue Badge scheme, or you may wish to consider speaking to Citizens Advice Bureau, for further advice from a Benefits Adviser.

I thought I’d share the following resources from our website, in case they’re helpful for you both at this time-
I’ve just been told I have blood cancer | Blood Cancer UK
What is polycythaemia vera (PV) | Blood Cancer UK.

Please don’t hesitate to give us a call if we can support you at all.
Best wishes,



I too have Polycythaemia vera (PV) and to my knowledge the condition alone doesn’t qualify you for a blue badge. To qualify for a blue badge he would need to do a health assessment and need to complete a plethora of forms along with a signed document from your gp that states the criteria has been met to qualify.

The forms focus more on mobility and access.

That being said the symptoms may impact him but a formal assessment would still be needed.


Hi tanya he has only been diagnosed since june just gone and he is coping, myself i have a stoma and 2 hernias i have no bowel at all as it burst in 2019 i was in hospital for 3 months. Other then that we are trying to cope and keep positive. He is 58yrs im 70 in August

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Oh @Caz1 you certainly both have your health challenges.
I am so glad that you have found us so soon.
@TanyaBloodCancerUK and @Rammie18 have given you such good responses which I cannot better.
How are you both holding up, especially emotionally?
My husband just sticks his head in the sand and will not talk about my blood cancer.
I have found that is one of the reasons I have found this forum so supportive.
I can say how it really is for me on here and I know others will understand.
I look forward to hearing more about you both.
Look after yourselves and be kind to yourselves

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We are both holding up thankyou .