
Just been asked by consultant do I want to go on clinical trial Selinexor with Ruxolitnib has any one on this site on it or been on it would like some feed back . thanks

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Hi @tom great to hear from you again, although you obviously have an unknown dilemma.
I hope someone can help you.
However I will copy your post to the Blood Cancer UK clinical trials team for you.
@ClinicalTrialsSupportService I hope they can assist.
Really look after yourself and please do let us know how you get on.

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Are you a member of NPM Boice on health unlocked. That has significant US contingent who are often more advanced than us with drug treatments.

Hello Tom,

Thank you for reaching out. I hope you receive posts from people who have experience of being part of the trial.

You may already have been given information about the trial by your treating team but just in case I have added some details:

I think this might be the title of the trial you have described ‘Study of Selinexor in Combination With Ruxolitinib in Myelofibrosis (SENTRY)’ a trial reference identifier is: NCT04562389. A link to the trial information is here Study of Selinexor in Combination With Ruxolitinib in Myelofibrosis - Full Text View - Both drugs are administered in tablet form. The trial is now recruiting to the investigations phase 3 part. The different phases of trials and what they mean for participants (including phase 3 trials) are described in this link Phases of clinical trials | Cancer Research UK

Before anyone is recruited to a trial there should be multiple opportunities for you to ask questions. This link lists questions you may like to ask of your medical team if you are invited to take part in a clinical trial: Clinical trials: questions to ask | The Royal Marsden

The Blood Cancer UK website holds multiple resources and information about participating in trials Clinical Trials Information and Support | Blood Cancer UK It also includes the option of how to explore clinical trial options with our Clinical Trial Support Service.

Please feel able to ask further questions about the trial. I hope this information may help a little.

Best wishes, Lynne, Clinical Trial Support Nurse