New trials

Hi all,
I found this today…really hopeful that this may be a start to finding a cure for all blood cancers !


What a fascinating, educational and hope-inducing read that is! Thank you so much for posting it, @AllyBally.

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Wow really is fascinating like @JanetF says. Thank you for sharing @AllyBally. Makes me realise how little I understand these blood cancers, nor the Polycythaemia vera (PV) that I live with!

Still think it’s a shame about all the animal testing though. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that this treatment comes to fruition for us all and is affordable.

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Hi @JanetF and @Duncan ,
Yes, a little beacon of light for blood cancers. Hope you are both doing ok?

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Love that visual of a beacon, like those fires on hilltops communicating to others further afield. I wish more folks would share articles like this, so thanks again.

Slight guilt admitting this but I’m doing well, thank you so much for asking. Haven’t needed phlebotomy for a few months as my blood cells have settled down into their normal ranges, so clearly the daily chemotherapy is working as it should, thank goodness!

How have you been doing @AllyBally? Has your fatigue reduced?

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Hi @Duncan
That’s great news Duncan! Don’t feel guilty and thankyou for sharing how you are doing as that is also hopeful. However, I know what you mean as I am on the roundabout of watch and wait for my Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS) but so many others here are dealing with so much more.
I’m ok thankyou for asking. Coming up to next blood results next week so always anxious.
Take care.
Alex x


Wow - that would be amazing!!!