OH Report

So had an Occupational Health meeting in December 2022 and they eventually sent the report back today. Not only did they get my medication wrong, they also included someone else’s details in the report. They finished it off by stating that I was not covered by the Equality Act 2010. This report was sent to my employers before I could correct them. This was carried out by a doctor.


Hi @Adw265 I think that is really bad.
I hope you are responding to it and copying your employers.
Thanks for letting us know and please do let us know the outcome.
Look after yourself

Oh dear aside from your own terrible experience that is also not a great experience for the person who’s personal information has been sent to you. It may be classed as data breach under GDPR and your employer may be required to report this.

Do let us know how you get on , most importantly.


Ask for the complaints procedure from the company doing your OH report and make a complaint
Also copy in your work place

OH should not send the report to your employer without you looking over it first so as mistakes can be amended


The company has been emailed but I’m not expecting a response as they are being let go but if they do get back I’ll let you know their response. My company will be requesting a new report with the new provider.

Thanks All for your advice and support.


That’s good to hear your company have a new provider and asking for a new report.


Hi @Adw265 ,
I am so sorry to hear this. What a frustrating time for you. I can see that you have a path forwards now with a new OH provider which is great.

In case it is helpful in any way i wanted to signpost you to an organisation who hold a lot of information in helping people advocating their working rights- Acas | Making working life better for everyone in Britain.

Please do also know that if you would like to talk anything through our helpline is open 7 days- 0808 2080 888.

Best Wishes, Lauran

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