Policythemia Itch

I am living with an Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) JAK2 variant (Policythemia)
Platelets Nd haemaglobin is being controlled by Hydroxycarbamide.

Unfortunately, like others in similar or worse situations , I am plagued by severeitching which can come on randomly but always after shower or bath irrespective of temperature.

Antihistamine or cream has no impact.
Others have posted similar symptoms but no solutions have been forthcoming.

I would like to add an observation.
Two years ago , I underwent a triple heat bypass and after the opraration my itch all but disappeared , allowing me to swim as part of my recovery.
Afte 6 months however the itch returned and remained.
I figured the return coincided with ceasing taking Clopidogrel a tempoarily prescribed (6 months) taken alongside aspirin , another blood thinner.
Doctors agreed to reinstate Clopidogrel in lieu of aspirin and if anything the itch got worse…
I am now back on asprin only dropping Clopidogrel and living with the itch.
I concluded that the combination of aspirin alongside Clopidogrel treated the itch BUT both cannot be taken long term due to increased bleed risk (stomach)

GPs , cardiologists , haematologists and oncologists seem stumped for an alternative solution


Oh @JIMMY I just don’t know what to say, I cannot imagine what it is like for you.
I attach the Blood Cancer UK details on itching
Itching | Blood Cancer UK
just in case it helps at all.
I will also copy your post to the Blood Cancer UK nurses just in case
I hope others might be able to share their experiences
Be ever so kind to yourself and please do keep posting



So sorry to read about this, it must be so frustrating for you.

One of our nurses - Heidi - has replied on your other thread, here: Polycythaemia Itch - Living with and after blood cancer - Blood Cancer UK Online Community Forum

Hope you find something that helps.

Kind regards,