Prescription Exemption


My Husband is JAK 2 + and has Essential Thrombocythemia.

He takes Hydroxycarbamide.

Would he be eligible for prescription exemption?

Thank you :blush:


This is the form
I got it from my Drs filled it in took it back the Dr signs it and sends it off
Shouldn’t take long to get your exemption card


Yes he is…i take …if it takes a while for your card to turn up just tell the Pharmacist you have a medical exemption

The fact they are handing over Chemo pills will confirm why!

I take them and all my medicine is free.

All the best to you and your hubby.


Hello @Mel1967 ,

As @2DB and @Leefer have already said your husband is eligible, do ask his Clinical Nurse Specialist, Pharmacist or Doctor to sign the form. Here is the information from our colleagues at Cancer Research UK: Free prescriptions for people with cancer | Access to treatment | Cancer Research UK
Kind regards


Hi @Mel1967
I got my first exemption provided by my consultant but that has expired as it was five years ago. I have just been into my pharmacy and collected the form shown here. It was super easy , signed it and handed to my GP about a week later I received my updated exemption card.


Yes because it’s a kind of cancer but you have to fill in a form take it to your GP and they send it off and a blue and white plastic card will be sent to you and you show them the card when you pick up your prescription.I have one because of my lymphoma and my cousin has one because he’s a type 2 diabetic.

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