Recent diagnosis

Hiya, I was diagnosed with myeloma in June 24 and currently having treatment, I was doing fine until they gave me somethings to strengthen my bones
since then I had a lockjaw lost of appetite and nausea, I love to know if anyone experienced any of these symptoms


Hi @Nikkicam I am so glad that you have found us, welcome.
I also have scoliosis and osteoporosis and have been on various medications over the last 12 yrs and never experienced those symptoms.
Have you told your medical team about your symptoms that you are experiencing?
What have they said?
I hope that someone can help you with their experiences.
Really look after and be very kind to yourself and please do keep posting as I look forward to hearing more about you.

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Hi @Nikkicam and welcome
Have you had Zometa recently?

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