I have had Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) for 2 and half years on watch and wait i have been told i have to have treatment after the year , which my consultant has decided Ibrutinib & venetoclax
I had a ct scan and my only issues were enlarged lymph nodes in neck, arm pits and groin, my bloods are not too bad my white bloods were and have been rising on previous visits but have leveled off now im not anemic now as i was slightly before but nothing to be concerned about im fit and eat as clean as i can, im very nervous about having to start treatment because i feel that the only reason i have to start treatment is because of increased lymph nodes i know the consultants know best but i keep getting the feeling that i shouldn’t be starting yet and that its too soon can anyone give me any advice?
Hi @jw6465 I can really understand your anxiety.
Have you talked your fears, questions and practicalities through with your specialist nurse or consultant and asked the things that are on your mind.
I agree your consultant has a medical perspective but, very personally, I think it has to be what feels right for you.
I really appreciate your honest post and please do let us know how you get on.
Perhaps take time to consider all the information you gain and only make a decision either way when it feels right.
The Blood cancer UK support line is also there for you on 0808 2080 888.
Be very kind to yourself and look after yourself and please do keep posting. I find just typing my thoughts out can really help me sometimes.
Thank you Erica i will do
I can relate as I have no symptoms of my Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) but i have abnormal chromosomes which make me higher risk for transforning to Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) so transplant is recommended sooner than later in my case. I guess it comes down to trusting you team of Dr’s and if a second opinion helps maybe seek that. Best of luck
It’s really difficult isn’t it. Did you have a xo variation about other options such as active monitoring. I wonder if they may if your questions are answered?
Definitely talk it through with the helpline then perhaps you could contact your consultant again?
When is treatment due to start? Do you have an appointment beforehand?