
I’m new here but not a new patient. I was diagnosed 19 years ago with follicular Lymphoma I was stage 3. after 6 months of CHOPR I went into remission and i have remained there for all this time. About 2 months ago I starting feeling some old familiar symptoms, slight night sweats and some morning nausea. I had a routine visit with my cancer doctor coming up so I wasn’t to concerned. During the wait I found a lump in a Lymp node. I got concerned since it was identical how it occurred the first time. I met with dr. He ordered a PET scan. He said the scan didn’t show anything and my blood was mostly normal . But my LDH was higher than what is normal. He seems to be ok with this. I really concerned especially since my LDH is elevated especially since my old cancer Dr said this was a marker he looked for to see if my Lymphoma had returned. should i relax since the PET scans or ok or should I be more insistent for a Biopsy.


Hi @davidJ thanks so much for posting on here, welcome.
We cannot give medical opinions but very personally (not medically) perhaps you have answered yourself by your concern in this post.
What would give you peace of mind by a more conclusive answer.
I believe in being pleasantly assertive and organised and tell it like it is for you.
If you have further problems you are entitled to get a second opinion in this country and can ask for this, and if you have problems the hospital PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) or GP’s Practice Manager
The Blood Cancer UK support line is also there for you on 0808 2080 888
Please do let us know how you get on and look after yourself,

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Hi @davidJ
Erica has given you brilliant advice as always. If it helps you any to lessen your anxiety, I also have Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) , also treated with RCHOP six years ago. In the late Autumn last year I had couple of symptoms l then developed a neck lump. It was easy to over think and everything became suggestive of relapse to me .
Scans suggested it was probably fine but my doctor said she would refer for biopsies as there was some areas on the pet she wanted to check . The surgeon said he wasn’t overly concerned but I insisted on him taking a biopsy, cut a long story short after two separate surgeries for biopsies and a rather large neck scar and neck node removal, it turned out that it was ok . Thankfully it turned out to be hyperplasia a form of inflammation and part of an over active autoimmune response.
I think what I am saying it is easy to worry about relapse but not everything is a relapse, but that you should always push for answers to your questions, you know your own body. Do let us know how you get on.