Termination of treatment early

I finish my 10th cycle of 12 monthly cycles of Venetoclax in one weeks time. I feel as though I have had enough as it seems my reaction to it are now more detrimental. I feel as though it is doing more damage to me. All my Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) symptoms have disappeared. Is there anyone else in a similar position? John T


Hi @Florence25 welcome to our forum.
We have had others with similar dilemmas, not the exact same situations.
Perhaps discuss it with your medical team and that will give you more information for making up your decision.
Some people make a pros and cons list.
Ultimately the decision is yours at the end of the day and it has to be what feels right for you.
Please do let us know what you decide and we are here for you whatever you decide
Be kind to yourself and look after yourself

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Dear @Florence25,
Welcome to our forum, I am sorry to read you are struggling with the treatment, it is such a long treatment and it sounds like you have done incredibly well this far.
I would encourage you to have an honest discussion with your clinical nurse specialist (CNS) or consultant. It is important they are aware of the side effects the treatment is causing, it sounds like they are having a real impact on you and it doesn’t need to be this way. If you are becoming unwell please do contact your 24hour support line in the interim.
I suspect your treatment team will talk through the options with you, which may well include withholding the last two cycles, but they will be able to give you the best information for your individual circumstance. All I can really suggest is being honest, they will want to do the best for you. Please do reach out to the team as soon as possible.
We are here for you should you wish to talk, all the ways you can contact us are on this link - How to contact Blood Cancer UK | Blood Cancer UK
Best Wishes,
Heidi (Support Services Nurse)


Hi @Florence25.
I can see you have given great advice already. It must be really tough when the treatment is making you feel worse.
I’m hoping others can share experiences but everybody’s experience and journey is so individu. What have your medical team said?
Please keep us updated on how you are doing.

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