
Hello is headaches common with thrombocytocaemia, my husband has had it all day, is it something to be concerned about?


Hello there @Kitts, I’m not a doctor but I’d say if your husband has been diagnosed with Essential thrombocythemia (ET) and his headache is worse than usual headaches and it continues then he needs to have it checked out. Clotting is our main risk with Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) like Essential thrombocythemia (ET), which can include clots around the body and brain. Has he taken aspirin?

Hi @Kitts thanks for posting and yes, as @Duncan says that is a question for your husbands specialist nurse, medical team or GP.
How is he today?
Look after and be kind to yourselves

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Hi @Duncan
They haven’t prescribed aspirin only hydroxyurea, he has an appointment on Monday, I’ve asked him to ask for Asprin then.

Thank you


Hi Erica
Thank you for your email, I am really not coping, feeling really depressed and stressed over all this. I cry, don’t sleep well. :sleepy:


Hello @Kitts
Thank you for your post.
We are sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis and ongoing headache.
We would advise that he calls his haematology team as soon as possible to update them on this as he may need to be seen sooner than Monday, or if you have a 24/7 triage line for the ward/ acute oncology service team perhaps give them a call. If you are unable to get in contact with these teams, please ring 111 for further advice.
If this is something that has come on quickly, we would advise attending your local A&E.

If you feel you need to call us please ring us on 0808 2080 888

We are also sorry to hear that you are finding it hard to cope, this is totally understandable and it is important to be kind to yourself. You may find our page Looking after yourself when someone you love has blood cancer | Blood Cancer UK helpful to read over as this discusses looking after your wellbeing, ways to relax, mindfulness and has ways to access emotional or psychological support if you felt this would be beneficial.

We appreciate how stressful this situation can be when looking after someone close to you, so please know that you are not alone and can call us on our support line, should you need further help or would like to talk things through.

At the moment, we would advise taking the steps mentioned above to get medical attention for your husband’s symptoms but please do get back in touch if you need further support with regards to how you are feeling.

Take care,
Emma (Support Services Nurse)


Hi @Kitts I realise @Emma_BloodCancerUK have given you a great response.
I needed some talking therapy just to understand what was going on for me and the situation I was in.
You might find help via hospitals that have Macmillan services, Maggies services etc.
Your GP surgery with local services etc.
Please do keep posting as our support forum is here as much for you as your husband.
Be very kind and look after yourselves