Is it better to have flu and pneumonia vaccine if ? CCL
Is it better to have flu and pneumonia vaccine if ? CCL
Hi @Lindy1 this is a question for your specialist nurse, GP or medical team as they know your whole medical history, and then the ultimate decision is up yo you.
I have Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and have had mine.
Let us know how you get on and really look after yourself
Hi @Lindy1
Whether or not to get a flu and pneumonia vaccine depends on several factors, including your overall health, age, and lifestyle.
Like @Erica says best advice Consult Your Doctor: Thats the best way to determine what vaccines are right for you. They can assess your individual risk factors and provide personalised recommendations.
Flu and pneumonia vaccines can significantly reduce your risk of contracting these illnesses, which can be serious, especially for those of us with underlying health conditions.
I like @Erica have had both but I have Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) not Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)
Good luck
Good Morning @Lindy1,
This is a really good question especially as you are still in the phase of referral/possible diagnosis for your husband.
I have attached our pages here about vaccines for people with blood cancer which I think will help, however I think to be super safe I would encourage you to run this past the GP just so they can confirm for sure. Blood cancer and staying safe | Blood Cancer UK
I hope this is helpful and do know we are here if you need us - 0808 2080 888. Do keep us updated on here and keep talking, we will support you through whatever happens.
Take Care,
Heidi (Support Services Nurse)