Hi everyone
Hope you’re all doing well
Just wanted to ask about this time of year and viruses .i have Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) on watch and wait, usually feel pretty well but over this last 3 weeks seem to have picked up two separate viruses .i try to avoid people and have reduced patient contact at work
This last one is really making me feel unwell and wanted to ask if it’s the same for others , do you seem to pick up all the viruses going or is it just me??
Oh @DottieB I also have Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) but I think most people with a compromised immune system are the same in that it is the first infection runs me down which means I am then more susceptible to further infections, then it takes me a long time to build myself back up if that makes sense.
I believe all I can do is to drink a lot of fluids and eat nuticious foods and not overdo it emotionally, physically or practically. Easier said than done at this time of the year. Oh and get plenty of rest.
Look after and be very kind to yourself
Thanks so much@Erica
I wondered if it’s the same for everyone, I have taken days off work which I don’t like to do but feel so unwell
I usually try to eat well so will take your good advice and follow it
Like you say I will be kinder to myself, having to rest as I really don’t have the energy for much else
How are you feeling now ?? Hope you’re okay
Thanks again
Hi @DottieB I am feeling soggy, it is a trifle wet here.
Not doing too bad, but still feeling out of breath and just yukky and fatigued which is not all Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) based.
I am just off for an ECG and more tests to come.
I am looking after myself, so yes, listen to our bodies
@Erica I hope your ECG goes well Erica. Norma xx
Ahh @Erica am so sorry you are feeling so yucky!
Hope your tests all go well and you feel more like yourself soon !
Have a good Christmas and a wonderful new year xx