Workshop: Patient and family insights on treatment and care – effects of the pandemic

We are supporting a piece of work with Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) to better understand how patients perceive their experience of treatment and care during and since the pandemic. BMS are looking to speak to people who are currently receiving or have received treatment for blood cancer conditions since March 2020, and close family members who have helped care for a patient who has received treatment for blood cancer since March 2020 Please see below description for more details and get in touch if you are interested in taking part.

Workshop: patient and family insights on treatment and care – effects of the pandemic

About the role:

To develop an in depth understanding of how patients perceive their experience of treatment and care during and since the pandemic, Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) supported by Blood Cancer UK, are running 1-2 workshops with patients and their families. There will be a focus on patients who are currently receiving or have received treatment for blood cancer conditions since March 2020, and close family members who have helped care for a patient who has received treatment for blood cancer since March 2020.

What is involved?

Participants will attend 1 of 2 insight workshops to share experiences of treatment and care since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The workshops will be structured as an open discussion, with broad question areas to help guide conversations.

Discussions will be based on treatment, including diagnosis process and experience, treatment pathways and experiences and sentiment around telemedicine, including remote treatment and consultations.

Participants will be required to actively engage in the workshop, sharing their opinions and experiences, while respecting others. The group will be passionate improving the care and treatment for people affected by blood cancer.

These workshops will be held in the first week of December

Location: Virtual

How much time do I need to give?

  • 1.5 hrs for workshop
    *1 hr for extra prep/follow up

What will I get out of it?

  • An opportunity to feed into an important piece of work aimed improve treatment and diagnostic pathways for people diagnosed with a blood cancer in the NHS.

  • Connections with other people affected by blood cancer and in the Blood Cancer UK community.

BMS will pay an honoraria fee of 40 £/hour. All payments will be agreed upon with BMS and are outside of Blood Cancer UK.

How do I register my interest?

The group will be chosen based on time since diagnosis and representation of a diverse group of individuals affected.

Please get in touch on with your details if you are interested.

Please specify your availability in the first week of December


Hi there. I’ve emailed in as I’m really interested in this, but the emails kept failing as the link behind that email address is for the wrong address. If you click the email link you will see what I mean.

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Thanks for flagging, I’ve edited it!