Worried just been referred to haematologist

Hi everyone think maybe lme panicking but went for blood test recently bern feeling very tired but that’s it and my blood result was high on a couple of things but that’s all Anywsy had bloods done and my doctor suspects Luekemia and going to see a haematologist on Tuesday think my mind is going into overdrive now Help!!!

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Linda 5 just wanted to wish you luck with your haematologist on Tuesday. I know it’s hard, the not knowing and is stressfull. Try if possible to keep busy which is difficult with fatigue , this can help distract even for a little while. Do something you enjoy or spend time with friends, loved ones. Hopefully you will have some answers on Tuesday but they may need to do more tests before you have a definitive diagnosis. Warm wishes.Liz59

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Hi @Linda5 welcome to our forum and I am so glad that you have found us.
I often say my thoughts and emotions have been on high alert since my diagnosis, perhaps it is the shock and panic of the words
It sounds, although I am not a medical person, that your GP has taken the right action referring you to a specialist.
Perhaps it will feel a very long wait till Tuesday
By the way I have leukaemia and I was diagnosed 21 yrs ago.
We are here for you to say how it really is for you and the Blood Cancer Support line is there on 0808 2080 888.
I look forward to hearing more about you and be ever so kind to yourself

Thankyou so much everyone for your kind words and making me feel so welcome l was due to have a blood test this Friday so thought thst excellent because my appointment with haematology is on Tuesday but sadly my blood test was cancelled so now l can’t have it until the 15th the day after my haematology appointment it’s so frustrating but l do understand there are lots of people waiting

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Erica l didn’t know how to react when my doctor told me he was very concerned and sending me for testing Wow you are Amaizing the strength you are showing well l will keep you all posted how l get on sending love and good wishes to you all xx

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Hi @Linda5 and a big welcome to the forum.
I remember when I was told I was being referred (I have lymphoma), my mind went in to complete overdrive.
Waiting for appointment and tests can be so frustrating and feel like forever.
Try not to google too much and this can make things worse - easier said than done I know!
The support line is there when or if you need it and we are here for you to.
I’ll be thinking of you next week. Please let us know how you get on.

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Thankyou so much Nichola l definitely will let you know how it goes xx


Hi everyone well l went to see my haematologist yesterday they gave me a thorough examination and found two lumps one under arm and one in my neck that they are concerned with anyway did another blood test and will get the results of this in a few weeks apparently they have to grow cultures not sure what that means and l have to have an MRI in a week or so then she will contact me if the MRI shows up anything worrying but other than that will see her in clinic in eight weeks to discuss my blood results Phew!!!


Phew, sounds good to me @Linda5.
Yes, some tests and blood tests do take weeks for the results to come back, but they sounds very thorough.
Be kind and look after yourself and let us know how you get on

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Yes that’s so true l received a call from the hospital this morning my CT scan is on Monday 21st Jan then let’s see how things go thankyou so much tho for yr post it really does help x


It sounds like your team are on top of things. Please keep us updated on how you are soing. We all know waiting is tough! X

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Please do let us know when you get the results @Linda5
Yep, the waiting is hard and I have found that there is a lot of it.
Be kind to yourself

Thankyou so much Erica how are you feeling in yrself now? Xx


Hi @Linda5 I am making steady progress thanks

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