To condense. I have been unwell with abdominal pain for some time but since March 2024 I started suffering severe nausea, diarrhoea, headaches both night and day, feeling cold, cannot get warm, dizzy, cannot function normally, sleeping during the day extreme fatigue, weight loss of over two stones since March 2024, no appettite now. I had a full blood count in March 2024 with an abnormal low reading Eosinophil count of 0.00/L. Another full blood count has been taken in November 2024 and it this is again consistantly abnormal at 0.00/L again. The reading I have been shown should be between 0.04 to 0.5 Googling this low count states “abnormal low Eosinophil is not of concern because other parts of the immune system can compensate. However long term low Eosinophil reading can be dangerous and requires immediate treatment.” It also states the causes can be the following “Cushing Syndrome or blood infection such as sepsis” Can anyone advise please.
Hi @Lenhgte welcome to our forum, although I hope that you do not need us.
It sounds as if you have been Googling, there is a lot of variable information out there.
What are your medical people saying to you, they are usually more reliable?
I would suggest if you feel that you have sepsis then perhaps you need to get medical attention immediately.
Now will give you the opportunity to write down your symptoms, fears, questions and practicalities for your next appointment.
Please do let us know how you get on, the not knowing is horrible.
Be very kind to yourself and we are about on out forum over the holiday period
Morning @Lenhgte
I feel for you’re going through a tough time with these persistent symptoms. It’s completely normal to feel worried and frustrated, especially when you’re not feeling well.
Like @Erica I’m not a medical professional and can’t give specific advice, it’s important to consult a doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. They can help identify the root cause of your symptoms and recommend appropriate steps to manage them.
In the meantime, you need to look after yourself:
- Get plenty of sleep and avoid overexerting yourself.
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
- Practice relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.
Remember, you’re not alone in this the members on the forum are always here to listen and support. Many people face similar health challenges. Stay positive and take care of yourself.
I hope you feel better soon!
Dear @Lenhgte,
Welcome to the forum, I am sorry you are having some concerns with your health.
Can I ask who has been requesting your blood tests and have they offered you any information about how they will be following this up? Have you been referred to a Haematologist at all?
I think as a first step please do go back to whoever asked for these tests so you can discuss the results. Please try not to google to much, this is not always our friend.
I also echo the other comments here, if you are unwell in yourself please do seek medical attention.
You can always call us if you want to talk anything through, our number is 0808 2080 888
Do let us know how you get on.
Best Wishes,
Heidi (Support Services Nurse)
Hi Heidi
Thank you for your reply, and indeed to the others. My G.P requested the first blood test in March due to my ongoing symptoms and stated on the report “normal” which I suppose for a one off Zero Eosinophil count is fair enough, however because I continue to feel unwell I went to a see a private G.P for second opinion he had the second blood tests done and on follow up also declared normal. However it was not until the other day I compared my March result with the November result that I saw an asterisk on the report next to the Eosinophil with the wording “below low reference limit” on both reports. So first G.P looking at March sees one and private G.P sees the second neither of them will probably be aware that I’ve had two with zero count. Therefore no action has been taken that this reading is possibly long term. Just to add also the November blood test an Amylase blood test was also taken and that has flagged up an asterisk with 26 iu/L the reference limit it says next to it is 28-100 iu/L meaning the Amylase is too low. The private G.P did mention this and said it’s unusual because he was looking for inflamation of the Pancreas (due to my abdominal pain, suspecting pancreatitis) and this should have showed above normal reference limit od 100 iu/L if it was inflamed. He didn’t take any further action about this result except to say that if the Pancreas is not working properly then it will fail to make enough Amylase and this could be the cause of it being too low.
So Heidi thats where I am at the moment and really don’t know what to do next, because my abdominal pain has been going on for so long my NHS G.P has written me off. But since March 2024 (which prompted me to go back to see G.P) I have got daily severe nausea, the Diarrhoea has worsened and the upper central abdominal pain has worsened so its day and night now. Shivering just cant get warm for hours (hot water bottle on my back helps) then that passes and I’m warm again for a bit but it returns. I’m being given anti sickness tablets and thats about it.
Hi @Lenhgte I can see what you mean as both medical people have done tests in isolation.
My nurse once said to me if we do enough blood tests something will be out of the parameters we are given, we are all very complex beings and do not conform to the perfect readings.
However in saying that you also have symptoms, which you are living with, so perhaps write them all down and whether they have stayed the same, got better or worse and since when.
Then we often suggest writing your fears, questions and practicalities.
Perhaps the next decision (with all that entails) is whether to go along the NHS or private route. and return with both sets of results and symptoms and be pleasantly assertive and ask your questions that you want answers to and see what they suggest and why.
Please do let us know how you are getting on and be ever so kind to yourself and keep posting
Thank you for that. Heidi mentioned seeing a Haemotologist, I’m wondering, seeing as these results are blood, do you think it wiser to see such a professional first before going back to G.P.
Hi @Lenhgte I will copy your post to the Blood Cancer UK nurses for you @BloodCancerUK_Nurses
Perhaps you just need to get your symptoms checked out and don’t forget to tell them their severity by whichever route you wish to continue with.
Please do let us know how you get on and we will be about over the holiday period
Dear @Lenhgte,
Sorry for the delay in coming back to you. I agree with what @Erica says, it is really important that you get these symptoms checked out, we can get quite focussed on the numbers but your GP needs to do a full assessment of everything that is going on and refer you for the correct tests. I would recommend going back to your GP and telling them everything that has been happening. If the GP is concerned about the bloods they can then refer you on to a Haematologist, but it sounds like your digestive problems needs further investigation also.
Do let us know how you get on and know we are here to listen and support.
Best Wishes,
Heidi J (Support Services Nurse)