Advice please

Does anyone get a really sore back with lymphoma?

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I hope someone can help you @Leonardo1993 and it might be worth checking it out with your GP, consultant or CNS (Clinical Nurse Specialist).
I will copy your post to the Blood Cancer UK nurse advisors just in case they can add something @BloodCancerUK_Nurses.
Sore backs are horrible, take care of yourself and please let us know how you get on.

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Good Morning @Leonardo1993,
I hope you are doing okay today? I’m sorry to hear that you suffering with back pain. Back pain can be caused by many different things from kidney problems, to nerve pressure and
lots of other issues in between.
Can i ask, is this symptom something new for you & are you experiencing your pain in a particular area of your back?

As Erica has suggested, it is always really important to raise any new symptoms to your consultant or indeed your clinical nurse specialist so they can help you with the pain but also understand why you are experiencing it, so please do get in touch with them.

Please do also know that our helpline is open 7 days a week should you wish to talk anything through with us- 0808 2080 888.

Take Care, Lauran



Did you have intrathecal chemo? I mean the injections in lombar area?
I struggle with back pain after it and I have been told it could come from it.

Take care

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Hi @raphael2908 a great big welcome I hope someone will be able to share their experiences with you.
I look forward to hearing more about you,
What do your medical team say about your back pain?
:Look after yourself.

Thanks Erica! I received various reco, usually kinesitherapy treatments (not much effects) or “try not to think about it too much”… I have been told these injections similar to peridural can cause scars tissues and lead to back pain but it has not been confirmed. I found yin yoga to be effective on the long run!
Take care

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Yes, @raphael2908 you cannot beat yoga or pilates, I am a pilates girl myself.
Take care