Awaiting appointment

i have just joined hoping for more info. I hope i am wrong and feel a bit of a fraud, but just in case…
i have been suffering with a dull pain in my hip since approx September 2023 along with peripheral neuropathy. Sent for xray on hip and nothing was found. GP then decided on blood and urine tests and quite soon after called me back for a chat. She showed me 3 readings that MAY indicate multiple myeloma , these readings were in red font but all was a blur really. She would make a Haematology appointment, then told me not to ‘google’ it and of course, I did!
i have read a lot on line about this condition and cannot wait to have my appointment and get this thing sorted.
I am sorry if I’m wasting everyone’s time, but feel i want to be prepared , just in case.
Any advice or pointers would be really helpful and appreciated


Hi and welcome
I’m going to link you the GP guide from myeloma Uk. This may help you to formulate questions for your consultant
If your going to read about myeloma I would stick with myeloma UK for information

Hope this helps


Hi @doughboy, sounds like we are in a very similar position at the moment. I’m sick with worry too after getting the same results from a blood test and I just today got the date for my haematology appointment (next Wednesday). On top of the blood results, I’ve also got a bone lesion in my skull so while I’m trying to be positive . . . it’s going to be a long wait until Wednesday to know for sure.
Please do keep me posted on how you are. I’m crippled with anxiety and shock and fear and denial etc etc but I think now I have the appointment date I’m a bit steadier and will spend the next week doing nice things as well as looking at it as a bit of breathing space before I ‘know’.
I’m not sure of the medical side of things, so I don’t know what your blood tests mean (nor my own) but I do totally relate to your worry.
My only way of coping is to try and stay in the now, in this moment. I just did some grocery shopping with my young son and that took my mind off it for about an hour! It all helps (I was going to say every little helps because I was at Tesco but that’s very cheesy, ha!)
Take care


Hi Emma13
thanks for the reply, How long did you wait for your hospital appointment? As I was wondering if this comes under the ’ 2 weeks appointment’ promised by the government?
Was given the news last Thursday(15th Feb)
.I’m 64 and have so much planned this year and if it is confirmed,how it will affect those plans. ( I know that sounds selfish)
On a positive note, I feel better about the Paresthesia I have been suffering from , as I have had many tests with no results.
I will keep you posted about my situation


thanks to all for replies


I would advocate for doing the things you enjoy doing
If you take anything away from this position you are in is to make every moment count.
We can only do something about this moment in time :slight_smile:
As you say every little helps :smiley:

Eat cake make coffee eat chocolate dance in the kitchen go outside look at the sky feel the grass photograph the dew on the leaves of the plants
The little things in life are the sweetest


I was given the news on Friday, so a day after you. And I was told today I’d be seen next Wednesday, so that’s under the 2 weeks yes. Like you, I’ve SO much planned this year particularly on the work front. I’ve a very ambitious project planned for October/November which I’ve just started working on. Those involved with me are messaging/emailing today and yesterday and I feel like I’ve stepped into a different realm, but I have to say getting the appointment has helped settle me. I’ve started to reply to people workwise and have decided to keep going between now and next Wednesday as close to normal as I can. Don’t be afraid to call the hospital and ask about your appointment. I rang them twice yesterday and once today, then they rang me back with the date/time. I’m sure they would have done that anyhow, but still does no harm (so my GP’s secretary told me) to give them a call. Keep me posted!


i have kept this news to myself so far.
My daughter has just had a baby and my wife doesn’t handle stress very well!
I’m hoping it’s not too bad and want to have the full story before i tell them anything.
Good luck and please keep me up to date


Hi @doughboy I am so glad that you have found us, but honestly perhaps Google isn’t isn’t your friend!!
You are lucky my blood test results are printed out in black and white and not so easy to decipher.
You are certainly not wasting peoples time.
The waiting and not knowing are horrible.
If you want to be prepared I would say ensure you have a short medical history, short family conditions, your medications and any questions you have at the moment. Also a pen and paper and do not be afraid to ask for clarifications of anything you do not understand
Please do let us know how you get on and be kind to yourself whist you are waiting.


followed some other threads on this great site and have managed to access my readings and notes which i don’t mind sharing.
to me they only look a BIT raised? here they are verbatim:

Serum free Light ch : 22.2 mg/L

Kappa/Lambda ratio 1.914
Comment: book urgent appt with Doctor

Serum immunofixation: G KAPPA Small IgG paraprotein demonstrated
Comment: book urgent appt with Doctor

appreciate any comments


Hi @doughboy I would suggest you ask whoever ordered the tests originally for their interpretation. We are not medically trained. but they do say book an urgent appointment with your GP.
Please do let us know how you get on and look after yourself.