
So a couple of weeks ago my GP called to say I had paraprotein in my blood, level was 4.5.
I was referred to haematology who was confused as to why referred, he said you don’t have cancer , wasn’t interested in any of my symptoms. Was willing to do any tests , he did a physical examination and then said ok we will run some bloods and urine. Next tests will be November/ December. When I mentioned smouldering he didn’t know what that was. I’ve looked on this website and less than 3 and 10 bone marrow would confirm Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS). Just feel like left hanging with no real diagnosis, was made to feel stupid


Hi there I’m going to link you the GP guide from myeloma uk
You maybe able to formulate questions using the guide to help have a conversation with your medical team



Hi @Seasaw a great big welcome it sounds an anxious time for you, the waiting and not knowing are not nice.
I have found that there is a lot of waiting, not knowing and hanging around.
Perhaps writing down your questions before hand and also what I have learnt over the years is how to be ‘pleasantly assertive’.
Then when you have your appointment ask for clarification if you do not understand something.
Please do let us know how you get on and in the meantime be ever so kind to and look after yourself.