
@Erica @BloodCancerUK @Alice_BloodCancerUK @TanyaBloodCancerUK
I am distressed and saddened about the verbal and physical BULLYING of immunocompromised people wearing masks in public, legally what can be done to stop this?


Morning @anon06
I hear what you are say this is a very annoying situation. We wouldn’t say anything to someone who was wearing glasses would we so it is very much like that to me it’s a personal choice.
Like any form of bullying the best response is to stand tall and proud.
I wear a mask now only when I fly. I think this is now the only time when any amount of other people also wear one (some airlines still last year required them)
I also remind myself that wearing a mask doesn’t provide me with much protection unless those around me also have one on.
When I do wear one I do it with pride , it doesn’t mean I am weak I’m actually protecting other vulnerable people around me too.
Wear your mask with pride :slight_smile:


Good positive reply, I just think something legally needs to be done to stop this victimisation, people feel threatened and sadly may not be able to "stand up to the abuse ", which is discrimination!
Perhaps masks should have a message or image on them projecting the importance of why it is a necessity for vulnerable members of society to wear them, as well as charity logo


Hi, the Blood Cancer UK shop sells a mask with the logo on. I’m tempted to buy one so it would hopefully send the message as to why I needed to wear one. The only reason I haven’t got one is I’m trying to shield my 10 yo daughter from the word ‘cancer’. I do however go to the supermarket in a FFP2 mask. I look a bit silly but I don’t care. I’m actually quite bully-proof and would challenge anyone who commented negatively on my use of a mask. However like you say some people may be feeling vulnerable and at a low point and not in the right frame of mind to deal with small minded people who pass comments on things that don’t concern them. It can be hard. Not only are we dealing with cancer but having to deal with ‘other people’ too. The advise in the previous message ‘stand tall and proud’ is great. Let’s hold our heads up and not let any bullies win.

Marie xx


@MarieJ1979 @Jules
Yes of course the logo is important for vital awarenes I would just like to see an additional message representing all vulnerable groups as one, eg #forgotten500k or an updated number as well as charity logo OF COURSE , or perhaps the words “Rise Up” because the vulnerable need the opportunity and be encouraged to do this, by making it law not to discriminate against us.Thanks for your reply
See my discussion Anthems and Representation, in General Chat as well I hope you can contribute.

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@BloodCancerUK do you still have the stand back I’m shielding badges available
I have one and wear it when I have too
Apart from the mask it’s a visual reminder

I also have I’m a clinically extremely vulnerable colleague badge that I wear for work

Saying that I forget my badge on Wednesday the hospital car park was full so I used a public one a few minutes away down a narrow footpath
It was raining and I had my hood up face mask on and a random guy walked past me then shouted pathetic it won’t save you
I just walked on
You can’t help some people


No you can’t sadly, but laws must be put in place to deter people and stop things escalating. As bad as your scenario was things have been much worse for others.

Discrimination is bad, weather a 5/10 scenario or 10/10 scenario and needs stamping out at all levels COMPLETELY.
Your right though there is no helping people, infact they don’t deserve help, those who discriminate need DISCIPLINED legally of course!

Also I would like to introduce you to my discussion Anthems and Representation in general chat, I look forward to your contributions.


I still have my green with yellow sunflowers lanyard and badge from Hidden Disabilities which I wear with my Blood Cancer UK mask and they show up so well and have worked for me. I walk miles and have never encountered any discrimination or verbal abuse.


I contributed to your anthems last night :smiley:

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I will go back to wearing my myeloma uk ones I think

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Thanks I forget who’s contributed sometimes sorry.


Thats very nice to hear

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I still wear a mask in crowded places and on buses. I couldn’t care a toss what other people think. However, I do think masks should still be compulsory in hospitals and GP surgeries.

Best wishes


I fully endorse your comments of course in health institutions they should be compulsory for EVERYONE
To emphasise the point
Discrimination is bad regarding race and skin colour
Discrimination is bad regarding homophobic gestures
Discrimination is bad when disabled people are victimised
Discrimination is bad when immunocompromised are victimised for wearing masks when in actual fact they are wearing masks to protect themselves & for society health reasons

All should be legally disciplined ALL are discrimination and should of been deleted from society. Discrimination is like a bad smell on the pavement, push it to one side it lingers, scrape it off pavement and “bin it” “throw in sewers” where it belongs & it goes away.

Scrape it off within the law of course,
or we become just as bad as them!

Please note final sentence!

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Hi @2DB yes we do - Please Stand Back Badge | Blood Cancer UK Shop