Chemo and side effects

Hi, long while since my last ramblings, going through my first treatments on therlidomide, but it put me in hospital effecting my liver, now changed to lalidomide ( excuse spellings ) which are not having the same side effects, but get very shaky , has anyone else had these issues ?


Hi @Ontheup1 it is good to hear from you again and do not worry about your medical spellings, I have never learnt the language, let alone spellings
I wonder if you have spoken to to specialist nurse or medical team about your shakiness
I will copy your post to the Blood Cancer UK nurses @BloodCancerUK_Nurses
I hope others will be able to share their experiences.
Please do let us know how you get on.
Look after and be very kind to yourself.


Hi @Ontheup1. Good to hear from you.
I hope others can share their experiences with you and that you have had the chance to discuss side effects with your consultant?
Please keep us updated on how you are doing x


Hi, thanks everyone for the messages, spoken to my nurses and they do not seem over concerned about the shaky symptoms, I do also get breathless as well especially when going upstairs and trying to do things, but sitting down for 5 minutes it all seems to pass, which is a comfort knowing I can do this to get over the breathless symptoms, again the nurses do not seem to bothered about al of this although when you experience it , it is a shock . Myeloma isn’t pleasant we all know, but having the ability to tell others on this forum helps and puts minds at rest with helpful advice of others who may have had these issues.


I’m glad you got the opportunity to discuss things. As you say, it’s not nice but you have the forum to say how this really is for you and to share experiences.

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Hi @Ontheup1,

Thank you so much for your post.
Sorry to hear that you have been having some side effects from your Lenalidomide.

Just in case it is useful, Cancer Research have a patient information page on Lenalidomide Lenalidomide (Revlimid) | General cancer information | Cancer Research UK but our main advice would be to contact your team to tell them of any side effects you are having, which it sounds like you have done so and that they have provided you with some reassurance.
Sometimes people may take this medication at night or later in the evening so that the side effects are less prominent throughout the day.

We would also encourage you, if you don’t do so already to check your temperature regularly as this can help with looking out for signs of infection. In case it is helpful, we have a page on Infection symptoms and what to do | Blood Cancer UK
If your breathlessness persists, or gets worse, do contact your team again ASAP, or perhaps the hospital’s triage service if they have one.

If you would like to chat things through with us or for any more information, please give us a call on 0808 2080 888 .

Best wishes,
Emma (Support Services Nurse)