Hi, I am new to the forum. I have completed my Chemo 5 weeks ago and have been feeling ok until week 5 when I found that my breathing is heavier after walking fast or climbing stairs. Is it normal to feel a bit weaker after RCHOP. Not getting results until later in June. Thanks for any reply.
Hi @MarkJ speaking for myself personally, my chemo certainly made me feel like that and it’s totally normal but if you feel worried about it in any way then you should speak to your medical team for reassurance and of course Blood Cancer UK’s support line are fantastic for advice. Also of course it’s great to see you on here and you are very welcome. It’s a great place to offload your worries.
Hi @MarkJ a great big welcome to our forum and @Franko has given you brilliant advice and his experiences.
I have to say the feeling of being the only person in the world with symptoms, feelings and practicalities is so scary and isolating and then joining this forum and suddenly realising you are not alone is the best.
We are all supporting each other even if we are not experiencing the same things.
Please keep posting, I would like to hear more about you.
Hi @MarkJ, we’re sorry to hear that you have been experiencing heavier breathing after walking fast or climbing stairs. Side effects can be temporary and stop during or after your treatment, but sometimes they can last longer or be permanent. Treatment affects everyone differently. Even two people that have the same treatment can have different side effects. You might not get all, or even any, of the side effects associated with your treatment. We would recommend you speak to your treatment so that they are aware what you are experiencing and can advice you accordingly.
If we can be of any further support, our Support Services Team are always here: https://bloodcancer.org.uk/support-for-you/talk-blood-cancer.
Best Wishes
Hi @MarkJ. I missed saying welcome a few days ago!! So, welcome to the forum. How have you been feeling the last few days? X
Hi, I have been ok thank you. I have been taking it very easy. Just completed my bone marrow biopsy and PET scan this week and get results on 23rd. I did get some news from my trial nurse manager about my CT scan(I wrote to her about my breathing) and according to the results the nodes have shrunk further and there is no signs of any spread of the disease anywhere else including lungs. So that has put my mind at ease a bit. Hopefully the clinic will get to the bottom of my fatigue/breathing issues and provide a course of action. I have always been active and up until last year running abs cycling…really hope I can get back to that level in the future. I hope you are also doing well Nichols. It was nice to hear from you.
Thank you for your reply…it’s good to know that there is support. My wife is/has been brilliant but it’s good to know that I can express my concerns to other people that have been experiencing same concerns. I have posted an update on my condition. Thank you.
Hi @MarkJ. It’s good that your mind has been put at ease a little. It’s always good to get some positive news, especially when waiting for results, which we all know can be extremely difficult.
Fatigue always comes up in posts and it something so many suffer with. It must be really frustrating when you were so active before. Fingers crossed that things improve
My husband is great as well, along with my friends. However, they have even said that they can be there to listen but sometimes they don’t know what to say snd that’s where all off you on the forum make such a difference.
You take care and keep us all updated on your results
I also have low grade NHL, diagnosed 2018, 6 months chemo ( Bendamustine) & Rituximab plus 12 Rituximab treatments over 2 years, finishing Jan this year. I have been very fortunate in that I had very few side effects during my treatment but recently seem to be having some delayed ones though nothing bad. Until now I’ve never had any contact with anyone else with NHL so nice to " meet" up with fellow sufferers.
Hi @georginahudson, I’m so glad you’ve found the forum. I was diagnosed 4 years ago and had two ops flowed by radiotherapy. It’s great to meet you!
It’s such a great place to share, learn, offload when you need to, but most of all, just to be around people who understand.
It sounds like your treatment has gone well. How are you at the moment and how have you been over the last year?
To be honest Nicola I feel a complete fraud & keep asking if there really is anything wrong with me!! I spent most of the winter being very lethargic but that could have been down to the dreary weather as much as anything. I have had a very easy journey compared to so many others.
I think a lot of us feel like that but you are definitely not a fraud. Each journey is different isn’t it and brings with it it’s own challenges. Physically I’m fine - it impacts me more emotionally. For me, and perhaps you to, joining the forum was about being surrounded by people who understand my emotional journey, as well as the physical one, being able to share my experiences and learning a lot from others.
Hi @MarkJ
I find medical appointments really take it out of me emotionally, physically and practically, especially in the hotter weather.
Your trial nurse manager definitely did get you some good news.
I hate waiting for results my mind goes into overdrive.
Hopefully the clinic will get to the bottom of your fatigue and breathing issues.
Please let us know how your results go on the 23rd.
Take care and be kind to yourself.
Hi @georginahudson, a great big welcome to our forum and you certainly never need to feel a fraud on here.
Just our diagnosis is traumatic enough and all our symptoms, appointments, waiting for results and treatments etc. really take it out of us emotionally, physically and practically.
You are not alone now and we all support each other.
I look forward to hearing more from you.