CLL Treatment without B symptoms?

Hi everyone,

I had my haematology appointment at last and all seemed to go well until I received their letter today. It appears my WCC has gone up by 50% in 4 months. They want to see me again in 8 weeks now, sooner than stated at the appointment. (Blood results were not available then)

I am pleased they are seeing me sooner, but my question to anyone is:
Was anyone’s treatment started solely on high or rising WCC, no other B symptoms? Everything I have read indicates not, but my letter seems to imply if the count goes higher it will be considered.

Thanks for reading,


Oh @Kas44 because we are all very complex beings, with individual medical histories, and medical decisions are made by individual consultants or teams they are the ones that know the criteria they are looking for in an individual.
Therefore this is really good question for your next appointment.
It is good news they are seeing you sooner, less time to wait, and they are obviously monitoring you well.
Please do let us know how you get on and you might have other questions as well.
Look after yourself

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