COVID-19 Day of Reflection

Hi all,

This Sunday 9th March is a COVID-19 Day of Reflection. We often hear from our blood cancer community about how people were affected during lockdown, and how the impact continues to affect their lives.

We wanted to open up this thread on the forum as a supportive space to share any reflections you have.

Please do feel free to comment below.


Thank you for opening up this space. Just before we went into Lockdown in March 2020 my mother was diagnosed with dementia and was requiring increasing support. My twin sister was absolutely brilliant and moved back in with mum to provide help and companionship. As I was instructed to shield I wasn’t able to visit them for months. We have just passed the first anniversary of mum’s death. I was actually in hospital when she died a year ago and didn’t really process it all at the time. This year my sister has been speaking about what a special time it was for her and mum to be together during Lockdown. She doesn’t seem to realise how painful this is for me to hear. I keep thinking somehow I should have done more? I am still shielding as I now have a damaged lung as well as blood cancer and any infection could be serious. Thanks for ‘listening’. Willow x


Oh @Willow perhaps those feelings of yours are so natural.
Does your sister know how painful it is for you to hear about her special time with your mum whilst you were stuck in lockdown deprived of that special experience
Perhaps your sister is just going through her own grief process, oblivious.
Perhaps share your thoughts and feelings too.
We all grieve very differently.
But Is you I am concerned about, be ever so kind to and take lots of special yourself. xx