Covid vaccine booster worries

Hi skyesue. Yes many bona fide experts globally are very concerned about mRNA technology. Seems our historically safe and effective antigen vaccines are being dumped in favour of this stuff. One thing that really annoyed me was Professor Van Tamms one of the ‘experts’ advising our government now coincidentally works for Moderna, and again coincidentally tax payers money has been used to build a mRNA genetic medication production facility at Oxford!
Another surprising fact the definition of VACCINE was actually changed because they thought the true description of this genetic medication would give people grave doubts at taking it. Only god knows what could happen to our DNA in the future. It’s all very complicated. I myself have taken every previous vaccination and had no doubts about this in 2021. Unfortunately I was hit by thrombocytopenia a few weeks later. I had test after test and my platelets rose and fell then neutropenia arrived, shortly after bone marrow test revealed the cause. Thrombocytopenia is a known side effect of mRNA technology so my suspicions were aroused.
I have spent days trawling the CDC in the states, as well as our own medical authorities and one thing is clear big pharma uses it’s vast wealth to control government medical authorities throughout the planet. Seems profit is the only motive in this sorry state of affairs. There has to be accountability for what has been happening. Anyway I have just had my routine blood test and already suspect that I am due a nasty shock. Never mind it’s exactly one year tomorrow I was diagnosed. So at least I grabbed another year of life and perhaps my consultant may tell me everything is stable at my next appointment next week but I am already sweating!
Best wishes
Uncle Jack.

I hope your results aren’t too bad Jack . You’ve had a rough time of it. Thanks for the quick chat back. I too have had every vaccine available for everything under the sun since I was wee. I have had seven covid ones I think and no side effects. I had covid and got antivirals so all the medical stuff has been good for me. Definitely wasn’t anti anything. But I am uneasy about genetic tinkering. I read that the booster thing mRNA is ok for us because it doesn’t affect us any differently compared to everyone else . Ok I get that but to me that just means we’re all in the same boat , whatever that may be. Maybe I’m missing something. These big companies I guess are needed but surely they will have to do tests accountability etc to check it’s ok.

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Hi, I have had polio, diphtheria, TB, shingles and the first three COVID shots. Last autumn I refused the flu shot for the very first time even though I believe it was a perfectly safe antigen type vaccine. I have lost all trust in the people advising us . I think that is the reason many parents are questioning the childhood vaccination. Trust has gone. Big pharma is now a massively corrupt money machine interested only profit.Apparently Pfizer have made many BILLIONS out of COVID shots so as Moderna.
In the USA the vaccine damage compensation scheme is extraordinary. They tell me about 3000 dollars maximum. And of course Pfizer cannot be sued directly.
Best wishes unclejack.

I too had similar vaccines and my family. I understand what you say about trust too. I never doubted it all til recently and I’ve still my appointment in June sat there while I mull stuff over . Anyway I noticed on FB yesterday I think, BC put on a post for reassurance about the booster and a link to information. Some of the comments are about herbals or something so I scrolled passed that as it’s not for me but the post and link might be worth a look Jack. The statement might be on this webpage too, not sure….

Just popped back on that mentioned fb post to reread the link and I noticed that many of the comments I read earlier this morning mentioning alternatives and one mentioning Angus Dalgleish and his work etc …these comments have disappeared- well I cannot see them. I’m guessing they’ve vanished as it says 34 comments and there’s only ten I can access….unless my fb gremlin is on the go. The link is still there tho.

Seems to me all the established organisations stick to the agenda. The terrifying thing that I have found out that especially during the first year of the virus that many elderly in our care home system were EUTHANISED if they presented with COVID type symptoms. This was during a period when relatives were forbidden to visit them. This actually breaks the Nuremberg 1947 protocol that specifies informed consent must be obtained before any drugs or medication can be administered to any person.
These poor souls were given end of life drugs Madazalan and Morphine which suppress breathing. Apparently many would have recovered if steroids were administered. Doctors in many countries would have lost their careers if they administered ANY medication that could have helped.So assisted dying took place without any input from relatives etc. All of this sounds like a script from a sci fi movie. I am 74 this year and have foolishly believed the propaganda for decades that politicians and so called experts have thrown at us all. As for vaccines millions of lives have been saved BUT in the past if serious side effects have been spotted the vaccine has been removed pronto.
Pfizer actually admitted that the vaccine rolled out to the public was different to the ones used in the very brief trials. The changes made were allegedly to reduce the cost of production. I suppose that’s were the 130 billion dollars in the coffers came from. Seems the only way to get accurate information is via FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUESTS. But you would have thought young adults collapsing on the sports field with vaccine induced myocarditis would have resulted in questions being asked. Strange times.
Best wishes unclejack.

What a sad thing to happen Jack.

Hi Silke
Have just viewed a great interview with Professor Robert Clancy and Professor Angus Dalglish tonight. Astounding and fascinating. It’s on Dr. John Campbells channel. Eye opening.
Best wishes


In response to some of the comments on this thread, we wanted to share this recent statement released by Blood Cancer UK’s Healthcare Professional Advisory Panel (HPAP), made up of specialists from across the UK working in haemato-oncology and related professional fields.

Statement on COVID-19 vaccines & blood cancer – Spring 2024

10 May 2024

"People with blood cancer should continue to take up COVID-19 vaccines when offered through seasonal programmes as it protects them from serious illness and hospitalisation.

"Like all drugs, vaccines have potential side effects but the current evidence indicates that for people with immunosuppression caused by blood cancer, including leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), or its treatments, the additional protection provided by COVID-19 vaccines is very likely to outweigh the small risk of side effects or complications. The QResearch study found no evidence that people with blood cancer were at an increased risk of side effects after vaccination compared with the general population.

"While we know that some people with weakened immune systems have historically had a reduced immune response to COVID-19 vaccines, the MELODY study showed that an increasing number of vaccine doses contributed to higher rates of COVID-19 antibody presence in people with weakened immune systems. People with the blood cancer lymphoma were included in this study. We also know that COVID-19 vaccines can induce protective T-cell responses even in patients who don’t make antibodies effectively.

"The QResearch study also showed that continuing to have doses of COVID-19 vaccines is important for people with blood cancer to maintain their immunity. Repeat vaccination is important because COVID-19 vaccines are updated seasonally so that they are more effective against current or recently circulating variants of the virus, much like flu vaccines.

"Ongoing studies are looking to understand individual and disease group COVID-19 risk so that in the future, protective measures like vaccinations can be targeted to those with types and sub-types of blood cancer at the highest risk, if differences are found.

"We are aware that claims have been made about a link between COVID-19 vaccines and cancer. There are no controlled, large-scale studies (studies with the most robust scientific evidence) that demonstrate an increased cancer risk following COVID-19 vaccination.

“If you are at all worried or have questions about getting a COVID-19 vaccination, please speak to your blood cancer care team or reach out to Blood Cancer UK’s Support Services on 0808 2080 888.”


Prof Adrian Bloor, Consultant Haematologist at The Christie, Honorary Clinical Chair, University of Manchester, Blood Cancer UK HPAP Co-Chair

Prof Andrew Pettitt, Professor and Honorary Consultant in Haemato-Oncology, University of Liverpool and Clatterbridge Cancer Centre; Blood Cancer UK HPAP Co-Chair

On behalf of the Blood Cancer UK Healthcare Professionals Advisory Panel ( HPAP), a panel made up of specialists from across the UK working in haemato-oncology and related professionals.

This statement is also supported by colleagues from the STRAVINKSY study:

Prof Alex Richter, Professor of Clinical Immunology, University of Birmingham

Dr Sean Lim, Associate Professor in Haematological Oncology, University of Southampton

Dr Michelle Willicombe, Imperial College

Prof Eleanor Barnes, University of Oxford


Hey there @Skyesue, interesting to read what you’ve been finding out in your research and I’m really glad you’ve had no adverse affects from all your COVID-19 vaccinations either. In fact, I don’t know anyone who has had any negative side effects from the various slightly different mRNA vaccines in multiple countries, and believe me I’ve been asking all my loved ones dotted around the world since the pandemic!

As a Brit living in the US I’d say be careful what research you read that comes from Florida. Same goes for Texas. The state of Florida is renowned within the US for being science-averse and bigoted in its policies under its truly terrible governor who I won’t name here as his abuses of power disgust me, and in fact he employed a surgeon general to medically oversee the entire state of 23,000,000 people who is anti-vaccination, spreads misinformation, and is widely considered a quack.

I’d also be mindful of what other unqualified commenters here keep posting over and over again that amounts to COVID-19 misinformation, despite the current research that medically qualified blood cancer experts keep sharing here.

If in doubt, I always try to check medical information from a few different official medical sources that use proper journalistic ethics rather than a layperson online who keeps sharing the same inaccurate opinions to complain about medical issues.

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This is excellent, thank you so much for sharing it @Alice_BloodCancerUK. If only it was shared as widely as all the misinformation about COVID-19 and its vaccinations!

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Dear Jack, how are you doing at the moment? Long time no hear … sorry I just saw your message now. Hope you are ok!!

Professor Angus Dalglish

High Silke I am OK. I wish I could say the same about my dreadful country. Recent events have left me with a feeling of outrage, disgust, and fear about the future. I just cannot get the murders out of my mind. Our political class have betrayed we peasants. Sometimes I feel a bit low about being a victim of Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (CMML) but what happened to these poor children makes me snap out of it. My country is full of normal decent people who deserve so much more than we currently receive. Cover ups and censorship are the name of the game. A realisation that our views are totally ignored and provoke official abuse on a huge scale. Sorry to go on about the state of things in my country but I feel totally dispondant. Free speech is stifled, criminals and liars rule. Only today the political elite have decided to remove the winter fuel benefit from the elderly. My views are created by the long lost era of truth and decency I was born into.
Yes I still follow Professor Dalglish and Dr. Robert Clancy and many other towering figures in medicine and research. BUT I look around and question do I really want to survive any longer in a country that has little in common with the country I grew up in. Death no longer holds the fear it did. May the murdered children rest in peace and their families find closure.
Strange how events can devastate you . Hope you are well and forgive my gloom. I am finding it very difficult at the minute and very depressed.
I never weep normally but this week I did.
Best wishes unclejack.

Hi Erica
Attended dentist this week. Referred to hospital.
Not surprisingly a probable very long wait.
Dentist said it would be a very easy extraction
Hopefully my platelets won’t need topping up etc if the wound is small. No doubt a blood test will be crucial. Hope you are well.
Best wishes unclejack.


Hi @Unclejack I am glad that you have seen the dentist and got a referral to the hospital for the extraction.
My son has two impacted wisdom teeth and was referred to the hospital, he has had an initial consultation and awaits a date for the op and was also told that there is a long waiting list.
Please do keep us posted and if you are feeling very depressed we are here for you and the Blood Cancer UK support line is also there on 0808 2080 888.
Perhaps your doctor might suggest something that might be of assistance.
Sending you very best wishes xxxx

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Will do. Might be useful info for others with dental problems and leukemia.
Best wishes unclejack.