Diagnosis... possible multiple myeloma or what?

Hello, my husband is 33 years old. Two weeks ago he started to feeling tired, have 37,5 temperature at night and night sweating. He lost 5kg for month because of that and lost his appetite.
Blood: everything ok, but LDH 690 and neutrophils 28, lymphocites 57. CRP 26
We did immunoglobulins and they reccomend to do again for 3 months. I am scared that he have MM… there is albumine and alfa2 fraction low and gama fraction 19. B2microglobuline is 4,5. He doesn’t have Bence Jonse proteins in urine and M pick. What do you think people? I am so scared. He is young and we have 1 year old baby… Hematologist said only to watch… And send him to infectologist, to check viruses


Hi @anastasijaa welcome, you certainly seem to have absorbed a lot of medical speak, more than I have in 20 yrs.
I must stress that this is not a medical reply but based on my experiences.
It must be so worrying for you both.
it sounds as if his medical people are still ruling answers in and out, which is common and there might be so many reasons why he has these generic symptoms.
I am on what is called watch and wait or active monitoring which monitors me at regular intervals to check the progression or not of my symptoms.
As you say his weight loss might be down to the fact that your husband is not eating, which perhaps will not help him physically, emotionally or practically.
I am afraid it is a waiting and not knowing time for you both, which is horrible.
The Blood Cancer UK Support line is also there for you on 0808 2080 888.
Please do keep posting, we are her for you both and be kind and look after yourselves…

Hi there I can understand you being scared
If I was you I would be asking your hubby’s medical team about your thoughts of MM and I would be asking why these counts are those numbers and what the team are looking for
Make a list of your questions
It’s good he is being monitored with bloods and being checked for viruses
All these things make up a picture exclusive to your hubby