First appointment

Hi , is it usual for first appointment at haematology to be anp clinic . My husband was due to go tomorrow but been cancelled as ANP off sick

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Hi @Lindy1 good question, but perhaps naturally anxiety making for you both.
I am not a medical person and just going by my own experiences I don’t think that there is a right or wrong way of doing things, you are not being misled.
Multi disciplinary meetings are a common procedure these days and more ANP clinics and weekend clinics seem to be run to get the waiting lists down.
Personally I would still suggest your husband writes down his fears, questions and practicalities for tomorrow and if he is happy for you to go with him you could take notes so everything is covered.
If your husband is not satisfied satisfied he can always ask for a second opinion.
I will copy your post to the Blood Cancer UK nurses for their thoughts for you @BloodCancerUK_Nurses.
Please do let us know how he gets on and really look after yourselves.

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Hi @Lindy1,

Sorry to hear your husbands appointment was cancelled, how frustrating for you both. I hope he receives another appointment very soon.

Within the hospital that I worked, it was not routine for ANPs to see patients at the first appointment but I believe this is routine practice in other trusts. These ANP clinics are usually supported by the the consultant and haematology team.

Please let us know how you get on.

Kind regards
Fiona ( support services nurse)


Morning @Lindy1
I understand it’s very frustrating to have your husband’s appointment canceled. ANPs are highly trained and provide excellent care, like @Erica says they can actually help reduce waiting times for specialist appointments by triaging patients, providing initial investigations, and managing stable conditions, which can free up consultants to focus on seeing you when they need to.
I see my ANP I would say 99% of the time.
The ANP may have been planning the initial consultation for the consultant.
My sister is an ANP in another specialty. She is highly trained, they have years of experience often having been in the field for very ,very long times. She got a call from her consultant at 11pm over Christmas , with him asking for her advice over one of the patients in his care. ANPs are brilliant.
I understand your frustration though as it’s the first appointment but there is a terrible amount of sickness around so it’s always better safe than sorry . I know that in our haematology department staff might not be off sick, but if they are mildly unwell they are not able to work with haematology patients.

I hope your husband can get an appointment rescheduled soon.