Hi Emma, as you can see above I am a pilates girl. it has saved me with my osteoporosis in my back. I also am stronger now in my core than I have ever been. There is also the exercise factor, the fresh air getting to the gym and the interactions with the friends I have made there feel good factors. When I wear a Bloodwise tee shirt there I am a walking billboard for Bloodwise and blood cancer awareness. I seem to be doing a lot of sewing recently altering and repairing clothing. I have socks I brought for a £1 and I have repaired them a couple of times, they are now worth more in repairs, absolutely mad. My New Years Resolution was to do less housework this year and I think I am sticking to it. I have also reassessed what is important to me and my thoughts about money, I don’t need material things, my health is everything and there is so much to enjoy that is free, nature etc. so yes, I am grateful to my CLL for that, I am a very lucky girl. Take care and keep posting.
You’ve got an amazing outlook Erica, I’m absolutely with you on the best things being free. I need to get into that mindset, now I’m back at work - I’m already starting to take on too much.
I’m definitely going to look at Pilates, I want a stronger core!
I certainly know the one about feeling a bit better then taking on too much. I just couldn’t say that tiny word ‘no’, I thought I would not be wanted and loved if I did, childhood messages and all that. But when I did say ‘no’ the world did not fall apart, OK, the first time I did some people were surprised, then did not think any more about it. As for pilates I so wish I had found it years ago, it isn’t a quick fix and the better your technique often the harder it is. Don’t take on too much but please let us know how you are and things are going for you?
Hi Erica, I’m doing a range of things at the gym, they have helped me workout a programme with a mixture of cardio and muscle building activities - I’m quite enjoying it so far which is a shock in itself.
Yes I’ve been to all sorts of murder mystery events, although not for sometime. I went to a week-end one before in a hotel where one of the bedrooms was then taped off as the murder scene…Hope all is well with you and you’re allowing yourself some time for reading
Hi Jo, yes, I went to the gym today, mostly cardio. I think the turning point for me is choosing to go there as opposed to feeling I have to go there. I also have lots of friends there now. My Walkman really helps, I just love my music and can get lost in it whilst peddling away. Your murder mystery events sound fun. I am just off out to meet someone, I am actually going to be early (a miracle for me)and will take my Kindle with me, it’s turned into a lovely sunny day. Take care xx
I am so pleased to hear that you are back to work and I hope you are not taking on too much since you started your role again. How has work been going? You also mentioned a little bit about going back to Pilates. Have you tried it since you started working?
Hi Josh, thanks for asking Hope you’re well.
I’m back into the swing of things at work, although I will be honest, it’s continued to be hard to navigate work life because the ‘old’ me was used to working at 110% and it’s been challenging to adapt to lower energy, time boundaries and integrating back into a corporate culture after spending so much time in hospitals with health as my sole priority. I’m still working that through in my head if I’m honest. My employer has been wonderful though and there are definitely lessons that can be learned from my experiences. I have been fully supported and looked after, which is why I am in the fortunate position I am in now with a good career still ahead of me
On the subject of pilates, that’s an area I have neglected! I’m dead keen to balance things better this year though, so my aim is for fitness and wellbeing to become a priority!