Has your diet changed since diagnosis?

I have been thinking about how my diet has changed since my CLL diagnosis in 2003. I have been very lucky because I have been on watch and wait ever since then. Well, my diet improved after I left work 5 years later as my department celebrated literally anything with cakes. I now eat 3 meals a day and usually do not snack in between. I think the trend I have followed is to move away from the ‘meat and two veg’ type meals. I try to eat my ‘5 a day’ especially with more fresh veg. We eat less meat and potatoes and more veg, fish, wholemeal bread, rice and pasta. For breakfast I have a yoghurt with muesli and cranberry juice.
I chose not to drink alcohol and I have never been a tea or coffee drinker, I choose to drink water and plenty of it and I usually drink it boiling .
I sound as if I have a really healthy diet but every night we have an ice cream after dinner and a bedtime hot chocolate and at weekends we have something cakey after lunch and a pudding with ice cream after dinner, oh, and 4 chocolates. I also cannot walk by a chocolate biscuit or cake if I am out somewhere special as all at Bloodwise knows.
I think it is all about balance, but also having treats. Now you know all my guilty secrets. How is your diet and how has it changed?

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