When I had DHAP in 2008 I suffered from ototoxicity, which meant I suddenly lost quite a bit of hearing. My haematologist was terrific and I was seen at ENT within the week. It was confirmed that my hearing was permanently damaged, and since then I have worn hearing aids and see the audiologist regularly. This morning I had my 3 yearly listening test, and my high frequency hearing is such that the audiologist couldn’t turn it up loud enough for me to hear. I am going to be fitted with stronger/bigger aids, but she also said that I would qualify for a cochlea implant. Has this happened to anyone else?
Hi, Louise, how are you feeling after and about your 3 yr listening test this morning?
Hi Erica. To be honest with heart problems getting worse, and now this I am feeling pole-axed although, as I listen to a lot of orchestral music and I was aware I was not hearing some parts I am not surprised. It was horrible sitting doing the test and not hearing anything for ages. The audiologist is lovely and understood my reasons for not going ahead with the implant. Wonder what will happen at my gynaecology appt in 2 weeks. Ha ha!
Hi, Louise, A really good subject that is often not spoken about, thanks for posting it. Don’t forget there is a space for us on the community forum too to share our fears, thoughts and feelings. I always say that the maternity department is the only department I have not been under at my hospital.
Done that one too…