How long will Covid symptoms last

After 2.5yrs of having treatment and shielding for Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), I got a positive covid test on 27 November. Felt really rough, shivering, shaking, then hot. Reported positive lateral flow test, was contacted by a Dr and prescribed Sotravimab. Hospital rang within 24hrs and I had infusion 2days after positive test. Infusion went well but had fever of 38.5. Since then still feeling heavy cold, congestion, lack of energy and awful cough. I tested yesterday 8th December and still strong line. Do I need to contact GP or haematologist again or just wait??

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Hi @Frl0612, thank you for posting. I’m so sorry to hear you’re feeling so poorly and are still testing positive for covid. It sounds like a difficult time for you. If you feel okay enough to talk any of this through over the phone, you’d be very welcome to call our support line on 0808 2080 888. May I ask whether you’ve tested negative at all after you received Sotrovimab, or is it the case that you continue to test positive?

I would say it is definitely worth getting in touch with your haematology team/GP if you are still poorly and testing positive so they are aware of your situation and can advise you. You may also wish to consider calling 111 if you’re feeling very unwell.

Do keep us updated and I very much hope you start to feel better soon.

Best wishes,

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Hi @Frl0612 I am so sorry that you have been feeling so rough for so long and especially after shielding for 2.5 years, life is just not fair is it.
@TanyaBloodCancerUK has given you good advice has it sounds like an appointment with your haematologist/GP is in order.
I find it helps me if I write down all my symptoms, the length of time that you have had them, the severity and impact my your life.
Please do let us know how you get on and really look after yourself.

Thank you both Erica and Tanya for your kind thoughts and suggestions. I am awaiting a call back from GP as I was unable to contact my CNS. Hopefully as soon as catarrh cleared I can start to feel much better.
Since having Sotravimab on Day2 on 29th November I have yet to test negative. So pleased I got the infusion otherwise I think the outcome would have been much worse. I have been told to stop taking my Vevetoclax for 7 days, so need to restart tonight - if I am feeling well enough!
I will update you after speaking to GP, but thanks again for your kind wishes and support. Xx

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Hi - just an update. GP called back and has prescribed antibiotics as on verge of chest infection. Hopefully they will kick in, but cough, congestion and fatigue still making things difficult ! 14 days tomorrow and no Christmas prep done yet! Hope everyone manages to avoid Covid - it would be the best Christmas gift!!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


HI @Frl0612 if I may say so your health and wellbeing comes before Christmas preparations.
Christmas is just another meal and day with tinsel.

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