I am 35 and have high platelets

Hi! I’m 35 and working as an RN in the Emergency room. I recently found out I had elevated platelets. So I got rechecked several times and they just continue to increase. Initially my platelets were at 600,000. Now they are at 700,000. I need to see a hematologist/oncologist. I’m so scared that something is super wrong with me. I know that it can be related to several other things but I am not anemic, and there is nothing that is clearly the cause. I see the oncologist/hematologist April 1


Hi @Nursetay33 I am very glad that you have found us and I could really sense how scared you are.
I just wondered where you are living, are you in the UK?
The waiting and not knowing is something so many of us relate to and it is a very scary time.
Really look after yourself and do nice things to try and divert your mind while you are waiting.
Please do let us know how you get on.

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Hey there @Nursetay33, welcome to the forum. I’m glad you found us, folks here know how it is to live with strange blood cell counts and the waiting in between appointments. Isn’t it horrible?!

As a nurse I imagine you’re more used to helping others find ways to tolerate their ailments and test results, and I empathise as it’s hard to be in the role of patient for a change. What would you advise a patient to do in a situation similar to yours?

Perhaps now is the time, like @Erica says, to find ways to take your mind off all the unknowns that can escalate how scared you’re feeling. You could remind yourself that you’re following up your elevated platelets count and seeking medical input from doctors who can tell you what’s going on. Self-care is important as I’m sure you know.

You don’t mention if you’re feeling unwell or experiencing any side effects from elevated platelets at the mo, but if you are you could presumably ask to see your doctor before April 1—no joke to you, I imagine! Explain your concerns and it might get you an appointment sooner.

Keep us posted about how you get on!

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Hello there @Nursetay33
Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have the worry of a raised platelet count. As you mentioned there are a number of factors that can lead to this. May I ask whether you have any significant symptoms that you are experiencing at the moment?
Really good to hear that you are seeing a Haematologist on the 1st of April, I am sure you will get some answers at this point.
@Erica and @Duncan have given great response and I would say that you are seeing the right team and be really clear to explain any clinical symptoms, medications and time scales related to these. As a Nurse, I am sure you are aware of so many conditions but do try and wait for the appointment and look after yourself.
Kind regards