Igm Mgus newly diagnosed…

Hi , I’m new here , I was diagnosed with Igm Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS) 2 weeks ago , big shock and a lot to take in , still trying to figure it out……
Since the diagnosis I have now realised that I maybe of symptoms that I am concerned about -
I have some numbness in my fingers most days and sometimes toes
2 weeks ago I started feeling burning/ slight aching in my hip groin area and I have constant lower back pain most days……
I also have had night sweats most night for around 4 years - but I also have diverticular disease and some anxiety which may cause the sweats.

I have been put on watch and wait I think , when I saw the haematologist he didn’t really ask about symptoms……

Going forward I am concerned that with my symptoms I may be progressing - but if I am what will it change to if it does , i will also contact the haematologist next week to tell them of my symptoms….
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hi a great big welcome @pedronicman yes, it certainly is a lot to take in, isn’t it.
I have another blood cancer but it took me a long while to take in, so perhaps give yourself time.
I think you have made a good plan of contacting your haematologist next week.
I wonder if you have a nurse contact who might be helpful as well.
Perhaps now is your opportunity to make a list of your symptoms, when they started, their severity and impact on your life.
Also any questions, fears or practicalities you might have.
I have also learnt to be pleasantly assertive and make sure I am happy with the responses I get.
If you are told any symptoms are unrelated to your diagnosis then perhaps you might go to your GP.
I have found that we are very complex, unique beings, which makes diagnosis so complicated.
As you say you have anxiety and diverticular disease as well.
In the meantime perhaps be ever so kind to yourself as it is probably an anxious time for you.
Look after yourself and please do keep posting how you are doing