Infected groin Lymph node and bone marrow biopsy

That was really good to hear, I will be a brave little soldier, and take it on the chin, (Or the hip)

I am reassured by all the replies I have had on this subject, and I am in a good place because of that.

This really is a valuable source of information and support, I do not know where we would all be without it.

‘Keep on Keeping on’ all.


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Thank you Erica I have spoken with a very good friend who has told me to email one of the top notches at the hospital. I will compile my case as I have documented every consultation every 3 months for the last 3 1/2 years I have had with him! I am mindful of the backlash it may cause but I feel it must be done.

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Yes, @Trish I think that diary of events and just being factual shows your case so well.
Please keep us posted and be kind to yourself.