Hi I got diagnosed with Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) in November 2019, I was put on watch and wait but in December 2023 because it had got worse, I had to start Chemo/Targeted Drugs. I have finished my Obi infusions of which there was 9 of them and now I am on 400mg of Ventraclax tablets up to January 24. But the reason for the question is. I know all about the low immunity, infections etc but now my grand children have got chicken pox , I am led to beleive this could be fatal for people who catch it with Blood Cancers. Has anyone undergone the virus shingles who is having treatment. Thank you. I am a new group member. First time on here
A great big welcome @chelsea
This is not an exact answer to your question but @Heidi_BloodCancerUK posted this very recently…
The poster was concerned as a friend she had been in contact with had been diagnosed with shingles.
Did you manage to speak to someone on the ward? I am certainly no expert in infection control nor shingles, however it is unlikely you would get shingles unless your friend/colleague had weeping blisters.
“Shingles spreads through direct contact with the fluid from the blisters. If someone who has never had chickenpox comes in contact with this fluid, they will contract chickenpox, not shingles. Later in life, they may develop shingles. Although airborne transmission is rare, it is possible.”
Have you previously had Chickenpox?
Sadly there is not much you can do, other than be aware of any symptoms that present and getting medical advice straight away (GP/111/Haem team in the week).
It might be a good opportunity now to discuss Shingrex vaccines and risk levels with your Haematologist/GP after the bank holiday, on the back of this happening to you.
Yes, you are right… things like this always happens on a bank holiday weekend!!
Take care, Heidi.
As you can see there is a connection between chicken pox and shingles.
Perhaps contact your medical team and ask their advice and follow what @Heidi_BloodCancerUK says.
I have had Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) for 19 yrs and always been on watch and wait.
I contracted shingles 10 yrs ago and it has re emerged anywhere on my body when I get run down emotionally, medically or practically.
I had recently had my 2 Shingrex vaccines.
If you would like to talk to someone the Blood Cancer UK support line is there for you on 0808 2080 888.
Please let us know how you get on and look after yourself.
Thank you very much I didn’t know there was a shingles vaccine, I thought they were live vaccines and they are not to be taken. I,ve got a review coming up soon I will enquire then.
Thank you once again
Hi @chelsea & a very warm welcome to our forum. I am so pleased you have sked this question because it can be confusing and indeed is certainly an important one to be aware of. I also hope your grandchild isn’t too miserable with the pox?
Should your grandchild still be infectious with the chicken pox it is important that you best protect yourself as best you can. Often the virus can still spread until all the blisters have formed a crust- typically up to 5/6 days from the start but obviously every child is different.
In case it is helpful this webpage talks a bit more about practical steps of protecting yourself from all infections and also discusses the non live shingles vaccine and who is eligible- CLL and infection | Blood Cancer UK.
Please do also know that if you would rather talk anything through our support line is always here for you- Blood cancer information and support by phone and email | Blood Cancer UK.
Best Wishes, Lauran
Thank you I will try to keep my distance from them for the time being