Introducing myself

Hi, im Manda, diagnosed with Chronic myeloid leukaemia in June this year, 3 days before my 70th Birthday! Im on Imatinib. So much to learn and im really dyslexic which makes it difficult to absorb numbers and stuff. I live in a really rural Village, so dont have anyone going through similar stuff. Im ok, but seem to be developing skin problems, severe eczema etc. Anybody know if this can get better over time? Thanks x

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Hi @Tabby7L a great big welcome to our forum family
You are certainly not alone our forum.
Please do not worry about your dyslexia, it is certainly not a problem on here.
I live in a medium sized town and and have been diagnosed with Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) for 21 yrs.
I am also not aware of anyone locally with any type of leukaemia.
As for your symptoms, perhaps ask your specialist nurse, if you have one, or your medical team as they need to know what is going on for you.
Others may be able to share their experiences for you.
I cannot imagine what your 70th birthday was like for you and I can still remember my diagnosis as if it were yesterday.
Please do keep posting as I look forward to hearing more about you.
Be very kind and look after yourself

Hi Erica, thank you for your reply, just being there is so reassuring! I will reach out via my local Haematology dept, i just dont like bothering them, my career was in the NHS, so im well aware how stretched services are, and more so in my area i read this morning, Im very glad to have found you all, i dont feel so alone x

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