Recently diagnosed with CML

So 56 years old and diagnosed with Chronic myeloid leukaemia start of August. Initial thoughts were thinking I’ve just been handed a death sentence. After reading other people’s experiences and speaking to my doctor i now mentally feel better about things and that all going well it will not shorten my life. Its been a tough few weeks but hopefully things will get better


Hi @Spen68 welcome, I am so glad that you have found us, but I wish it had been sooner as it sounds as if it has been a tough few weeks for you getting your head round the shock of your diagnosis.
I have Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) but you describe so well what I went through as well.
You certainly are not on your own on here so thanks for posting.
I really look forward to hearing more about you.
Really be kind and look after yourself and please do keep posting


Really shocked when i was diagnosed hadn’t felt as energetic as i normally was, noticed this especially when i was out cycling as i couldn’t keep up with my group anymore. Just finding it difficult at moment not being able to do things like i did a while ago, guessing it all takes time. Did need reassurance about future as i didn’t think there was much of one but glad i spoke to my consultant and oncology nurse. My wife has been amazing couldn’t of got this far without her support and love. Onwards and upwards stay healthy everyone


Hi @Spen68 Many of us do not make ‘patient patients’ yes, as the saying goes time is a great healer and slow and steady wins the race.
When I was first diagnosed I could hardly walk any distance then thanks to the pandemic I started walking and I can now walk some miles and I am fitter than I have ever been.
Your wife really does sound amazing, what a team you make.
Yep, onwards and upwards and it is not always a linear journey.
Look after and spoil yourselves and please do keep posting

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Hi mate,

You sound to be on a very similar journey to me. I was diagnosed with Chronic myeloid leukaemia after a work medical in June. I started on Imatinib on the 2nd July so I’ve been on my meds for 90 days now. I’m 53 so a similar age to yourself.

Just prior to my diagnosis I had spent 4 days cycling 350 miles around Majorca. I felt fit as a fiddle on my bike, probably the most fit I had ever felt.

When first diagnosed I didn’t know what the future held for me. I felt like my world had collapsed around me. However, things have got so much better over the weeks that have passed an my acceptance of my illness has settled in my mind

Being diagnosed with Chronic myeloid leukaemia was crap, but I’ve just tried to stay positive. In many ways I am a very lucky man. I would never have gone to my GP until I started to feel unwell. The medical flagged it up and I had an early diagnosis. Since then my blood counts have returned to normal.

On Imatinib my energy levels aren’t quite as good as before, but I still cycle regularly and am making plans for another cycling holiday next year. I’m determined to get back to where I was pre diagnosis.

I have my first PCR blood test tomorrow since my diagnosis, it’s also my first blood test for 4 weeks, which is progress in itself after weekly blood tests.

Stay positive & the very best of luck to you. It sounds like you have a great companion in your wife to support you👍


Hi @Ross1971 a great big welcome to our forum.
I have Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) but I was also diagnosed at 53yrs old.
I am now 74yrs old and my 70th birthday was my best ever and I am now fitter than I have ever been in my life.
I am a Pilates girl and since the Covid lockdown a great walker, the best exercise for a nosey person.
Sometimes it feels like one step forward and two back, but slow and steady can win the race.
Please do let us know how your blood tests go, and really look after yourself

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Hi Erica,
Thanks for your reply to my post. It’s always great to hear from someone who has done so well, for so long after their diagnosis.
I’ve literally just had my bloods done so I will keep you updated on my results. I’m confident & optimistic my treatment will continue to go well. There may be obstacles along the way but I have a fantastic support network around me so I am very lucky.
I really enjoy walking too. Great way of clearing the mind.
Take care

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Hi Erica, I did say I would get back with my blood test results but completely forgot. I won’t bore you with the details of all of the counts but my white blood cells are still nice and low at 3.2.
I will be having my appointment with my consultant at the end of the month to discuss my BCR-ABL result. This will give me a better picture of if the Imatinib is tackling the cause as well as the symptoms. I remain very optimistic and am keeping everything crossed.
I’m back to full time hours at work and getting through my day okay, albeit I am ready for bed a bit earlier in the evening, but hey ho I can live with that.
I’m also back to decent distance bike rides managing a 40 mile ride last weekend, which is my longest since my diagnosis.
Hope you are well & that @Spen68 is getting on well (on and off the bike).
Take care all.


Hi Ross
I’m not to bad had good blood test results this week, excellent was the word my consultant used. Made me feel a lot better mentally which is good, still early doors for me yet but hoping things are finally starting to settle down. Seem to have a bit more energy so have been on turbo trainer this week glad to read you have got out into the real world peddling.
Did have a chat with a macmillan nurse earlier this week when I went for my blood test. She reaffirmed condition to me saying it was something that can be managed long term by medication.
All the best to you enjoy the peddling


Wow @Ross1971 you have done really well getting back to full time hours at work and as for your beloved bike rides, wow.
@Spen68 I have to say you are also doing rather well being on a turbo trainer this week.
Please do keep posting both of you how you are getting on.
Oh, I do love my fresh air and exercise, albeit walking

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Walking is a cracking exercise. I’m going walking in the Peak District for my weekend honeymoon in 3 weeks.
Doing any form of exercise outside never fails to make you feel better in some way.
Take care

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Hi @Ross1971 I have just read what you posted on another thread before and a great big congratulations on getting married, your partner sounds so supportive.
Enjoy your weekend walking in the Peak District and spoil yourselves

That’s fantastic news about your bloods & what your consultant said. You must be made up.
I chat to my haematology nurse when I need a bit of pick me up. The way she talks to me in a light hearted way about my condition & treatment makes me feel reassured.
Glad to hear you are on the turbo. Do you use any training platforms? I did use Zwift but I’ve recently switched to MyWhoosh as it’s free😊.
Hopefully you’ll get out for a bit of real world riding soon. Whereabouts in the country are you for riding? I’m on the border of Staffordshire & Shropshire.
Take care & stay positive :+1:


Hi Ross
I use ROUVY I live on the south coast sometimes make my way to New Forest when I have time


Hi, ive just joined the forum today, and scrolling i noticed we both started Imatinib on the same day, July 2nd. Im older, but it may be interesting to keep in touch, i have my blood test in a week, dreading it! Not the test, the results.

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Oh @Tabby7L I said that you are never alone on here, however I believe what also bonds many of us are our fears, thoughts, feelings and practicalities.
Even after 21 yrs I get anxious before and during all tests, results and appointments.
I had my blood tests last week and I am very pleased to say that the results are stable
The Blood Cancer UK support line is also there for you on 0808 2080 888.
Be kind to yourself

Hi there,
I get my bloods done for PCR test on New Year’s Eve ready for my next results appointment with my consultant at the end of January.
How did you get on at your 3 month PCR check? I was 11% which I was really happy with.
I try hard not to worry about the things I can’t control. It stops you from living your life & enjoying the here and now.
Do you have any reason to be especially worried? How were your results at 3 months?
Please try not to worry. I really hope you get the best possible results to take with you into 2025​:crossed_fingers::+1:

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Good to hear from you Ross, my consultant is doing my first PCR in a week, and ive only had blood tests every 8 weeks, so very different from you! I do know my W cell count was 204, now its 6.2, but i need to get into the lingo of all these numbers and percentages etc. I have some skin problems, and puffy eyes, not uncommon i believe, not much else i cant deal with, Im trying not to get too hung up , but it feels a long time since July 2nd! I will keep in touch if thats ok x

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Your White Blood Cell count is within normal range now which is great. I was about 94 at diagnosis.
The TKI is controlling your white blood cell which is great, you have a great haematological response. In simple terms our PCR test will give you an idea of how the TKI is battling the leukemia itself, this is the molecular response. I was 100% at diagnosis going down to 11% after 3 months. The next target at the end of January will be as near to 1% as possible.
Your consultant will put you in the picture with your PCR result when you see them. Try not to worry. If you have a good haematological response then it is a sign that a good molecular response will follow.
Stay positive, keep in touch & let me know how you get on.
Whereabouts in the UK are you. It’s interesting to hear the differences in approaches to testing for various areas. I’m in Staffordshire.

You raise a good point there @Ross1971 even in the UK there are variations in medical approaches, testing, medications, treating etc. There is no right or wrong.
Also we are all unique beings with our own medical histories.
A slightly different case is I was diagnosed with Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) just before Christmas 21 yrs ago and my card and letter crossed over the Atlantic with a friend’s in Los Angeles who had just had the same diagnosis. I was put on active monitoring (watch and wait) and she was immediately treated. She is having her 93rd birthday today and remains positive and active. We have a special bond, but we are both unique beings with very different medical teams.