Is it Myelomas

Hi … great I have found this information page. Can anyone tell me if the kappa light chains and the ratio are both raised is this a myeloma diagnosis or do the number have to be very high.


Hi @Jane36 a great big welcome to our forum, I am glad that you have found us, whether you need us or not.
I have a feeling there is more to your question than you post.
Unfortunately we are not able to give a medical diagnosis as the person presenting with these symptoms GP or consultant would probably be looking at more varied aspects than this when making a diagnosis.
I would suggest the person goes back to whoever ordered the tests with their questions.
You are naturally concerned so please do look after yourself and I look forward to hearing the outcome


There is an overall picture for myeloma/smouldering myeloma/Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS) I would suggest you talk to consultant and the below guide could help you formulate questions that you would like answered
Myeloma is as individual as the person

Will link you the GP guide


My iga and igg are both low. And my kappa ratio has risen from last bloods 3 months ago as has my kappa light chains. I have very mild lower back pain and hip pain and pain in upper back close to neck and very sore to touch in that area. I am waiting patiently for the hymatology appointment. I know that everyone is different but was hoping someone had similar . I am ready to take on the chin whatever the outcome is


Lots of things can create raised kappa light chains and the kappa/lambda ratio, not just myeloma. For example I have a certain type of lymphoma and mine is monitored via the kappa light chains and the ratio (all nice and stable at the moment) . I also know that certain kidney conditions can throw it off. Good luck with the haemotologist meeting.