Maybe time to schedule an appointment?

Sadly my week got worse. I took
ill in the supermarket yesterday. Felt poorly and had to ask for a chair before my legs went. I then had a massive rigor. Thankfully 2 nurses were nearby realised the problem and insisted on ringing an ambulance then stayed with me until it arrived Got taken to hospital initially into resus until they checked me over then got moved to a room after a couple of hours. After a very long day , an injection for the nausea and lots of tests they concluded the rigor was a combination of the ongoing chest infection, a spiked temperature and a reaction to the doxycycline I was on . They have given me different antibiotics and some steroids and I got home last night. I’m off work today and doing nothing. Total drama Queen I was mortified!


Oh No @KayC I’m sorry to hear this! Glad you’re off work today, do take it easy! How are you feeling now?

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A heck of a lot better than I felt yesterday just a bit washed out but ok. Let’s hope that’s an end to my bad luck :pray:

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Oh @KayC how really horrible and so scary for you, thank goodness for those 2 lovely nurses, and you were definitely not a drama queen.
You say you got home last night, minus your shopping, and you must have been totally exhausted and feeling so, so rough.
I bet you are feeling more than washed out today, too.
Please look after yourself and be so, so kind to yourself and try not to go back to work till you feel well enough too.

Thanks Erica. My husband took the day off work today too so I wasn’t on my own. He wasn’t with me when I initially took ill as he plays golf on a Sunday but they managed to get him off the golf course so he was there by the time the ambulance arrived. He has been to get the shopping today as I literally had to abandon the trolley. The staff were really helpful and just took it all away and brought me a bottle of water not that I could drink it as the shakes were too bad . I was being a typical nurse bad patient :roll_eyes:and saying I would be fine and just needed to get home even though I knew myself I was deteriorating, I just felt a bit stupid being in the middle of a shop. In the end the nurses ( one of whom I trained with ) took it out of my hands and rang an ambulance What a carry on !

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You’re entitled to make a fuss @KayC if you’re going through a bad time. You obviously needed attention or your fellow nurse wouldn’t have taken immediate action. Hope you’re doing ok now and had a chance to rest. Daytime telly can be fun in small doses :slight_smile:


Thanks. I’m doing ok chest infection gradually improving. I’ve been to the gym this morning but have also taken it easy too x

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Hi @KayC I have been thinking about you and wondered how you are doing now, slow and steady and balance wins the race.
Look after yourself

Thanks Erica I’m feeling much better and seem to be over my chest infection. Had my 5 th covid jab last week with no ill effects. Going for my first haematology review 13 th December x


Hi @KayC So glad that you are feeling better, please let us know how your haematology review goes on on the 13 Dec.
Be kind to yourself