Hello All

I have just learned and starting reading about the subject yesterday, so it is all new to me. My mom is 70 years old and she had some electrolyte imbalance so she took supplements including Calcium. Her calcium levels, after taking supplements where normal sometimes or slightly elevated sometimes. Her new dr saw the results and since the calcium was elevated he asked her to stop taking the supplements and do further testing. She stopped the supplements and calcium levels are back to normal. The blood results did show an M Protein spike with a value of 1.3 g/l which from what I read is considered low. The report also mentions IgG Kappa. We have now done further tests today (24 hour urine test, and serum free chains test).

What are we looking at here? Are those results so far indicative of MM? Or is it Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS)?

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Welcome to our forum @Pirlo and you are obviously doing a lot of ‘research’ behind the scenes.
Perhaps be wary of some of the information out there.
I am not a medical person but perhaps some symptoms can indicate a lot of different conditions, which is why your mom’s doctor is doing tests to rule conditions in or out.
The medical questions that you ask are best asked of your mum’s doctor who know her and her whole medical history. The doctor seems thorough from what you say.
You also show how supplements can effect results and I often say that it is worth telling your doctor what you are taking.
I know the waiting and not knowing is a a horrible time.
We are here so please do let us know how you and your mom get on and really be kind to yourselves

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I’m going to link you the GP guide from myeloma uk

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