Mum has AML and no further treatment

My mum is doing incredibly well, she had bloods done and her red blood cells and platelets are “normal” however her white cells are low. She has spoken to her consultant who offered to look and reassess treatment but my mum has refused as she doesn’t want to go back into hospital, we fully support her. We are now 9 weeks at home after being told she had 2 weeks at best. It’s so good that she is doing so well and she is trying to make the most of her time, even though we have no idea how long.
I am scared that whilst I’m at home something will happen to her, I’m 3 hrs away but I know my family need me too. We are just praying her determination keeps her on winning ground.

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That’s good news @Gigglerm about your mum and that you respect her decision.
Yes, just make the most of every day.
It must be horrible feeling torn in two and the thoughts, emotions and practicalities that brings up in you.
Yes, you have a real quandary, your family need you too and you need them.
We are here for you if you want to just mull things over.
Look after and be kind yourself or you won’t be any use to anyone.

It’s been I while since I have written on here, although I have dropped in now and then.
Sadly my mum passed at the end of June, she was doing so well and fighting hard.
I hate that this awful disease took my mum, she was able to see her 70th birthday and she enjoyed it.
It has been 7 weeks and the hardest part is that she said right up to the end she wasn’t ready to go!
Luckily her last 2 weeks were spent in a community hospital in a specially adapted Rainbow Room.
I want to thank everyone at bloodcancer uk who gave us words of support and advice.
RIP mum :heart::broken_heart:


Oh @Gigglerm I am so, so sorry that your mum passed 7 weeks ago, it is so sad and I expect it will take you a long time to process, life can be very cruel.
I am so glad you were all able to celebrate your mum’s 70th birthday, you will always have your memories.
A Rainbow Room sounds so appropriate…
You will always be part of our Blood Cancer forum and the Blood Cancer UK support line is there if you would like to talk to someone on 0808 2080 888.
Give yourself time and space and be ever so kind to yourself. xx


@Gigglerm, we are so very sorry to hear of your loss. We can only imagine how difficult these past few weeks must have been for you. Please do give us a call if you need any support at all and we’d be happy to talk you through options for further support, too. Take good care of yourself and remember you’re not alone.
Best wishes,


I’m so sorry to hear this, @Gigglerm. I hope you can move forward with your grief, but if you’re struggling, we’re here for you. X