New diagnosis

Hi. I’m Kymberley and I’ve recently been diagnosed with Essential thrombocytopenia. I’m very confused with my diagnosis and wondered if someone could help me please?
I have been told that I have pre cancer and not actual cancer but as Essential thrombocytopenia is classed as a blood cancer I am totally confused. I’ve spoken to a nurse but I’m just not understanding all of this :pensive:.


Hi @Hels

Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear of your experience and I’m afraid to say it’s pretty common.

I have been diagnosed with a different form of blood cancer but I know it’s only a matter of time for those with Essential thrombocythemia (ET) to contribute.

I think upon diagnosis and having “that chat” I think sometimes they want to avoid the cancer word, others will happily say it and sometimes when they sound less convinced on what they are saying you lose confidence and that’s when anxiety and stress builds up til you have you next appointment when you can ask the millions of questions you wished you asked first time round.

It’s great you’ve found us here as I know a lot of people have shared there experiences and hopefully this will make you aware and more prepared moving forward.

I strongly recommend reading up from reputable website like bcuk and mpnvoice and try and stay aware from Facebook and Google for the time being.

Keep posting as it’s never long til someone hears and answers back.

Hope you’re doing ok and find yourself in a better place soon




Thank you so much. I’m hoping in time that everything will become clearer. I’ll definitely stay away from Dr Google !!


Hi @Hels I just wanted to welcome you.
I have another blood cancer, but I really remember my confusion and how could I explain to others, including work, what I did not understand myself.
@Rammie18 has given you a brilliant response.
Yes, it is best to keep away from Dr Google and stick to @Rammie18
Just give yourself time and be ever so kind to yourself and please keep posting.

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Thank you so much. I’m hoping someone else has been told that they have pre cancer as well, so maybe I can understand it a bit better. I’m sure the consultant explained it but it doesn’t make sense that all the information I have been given is all about cancer.

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Perhaps it is worth asking the consultant to explain it again @Hels and you might have other questions you want to ask.
I need to write all my questions down and be pleasantly assertive.
Please keep posting and be kind to yourself

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Yes I definitely will do. I will have a few things to ask .


When I was told I have Polycythaemia vera (PV) there was no mention of the “cancer” word. I then went on to research that it had and hadn’t been classified until in the past few years. So depending on how up to date medical professions were, I was getting a lot of mixed signals… I contacted my gp at the time and then quite abruptly said it wasn’t cancer and simply a phase that would pass with time and a few adjustments. Least to say they were wrong and I’ve since changed my surgery and in a much better place. So I totally empathise how you must be feeling. Like @Erica said do some research on reputable websites and I’ve no doubt people will et will flood this post with support, advice and answers. I would definitely echo having a notebook handy and be constant writing questions, terms, medical terms and facts you want checking to ask at your next appointment. The bcuk line are brilliant for support and help on getting you started which will help when you’re all over the place mentally, emotionally and physically


Hello there @Hels
Welcome to the Forum and I can see that you’ve had lots of support and information already from our amazing community.
Being newly diagnosed is such a tricky time and you are essentially constantly learning, please do take time for yourself and asking (any) questions is a good thing. We have a range of information on our website and there are some tips on what to ask your Consultant and Nurses about. It may be helpful to receive our regular emails Sign up for blood cancer support by email | Blood Cancer UK. We have more information here: I've just been told I have blood cancer | Blood Cancer UK.
I would like to also offer our free support phone line Blood cancer information and support by phone and email | Blood Cancer UK if you would like to talk this through.
Take good care