Non-H Follicular Lymphoma

Hi everyone. I have developed a flattish quite round the size of a 1 pence and muscelly lump just halfway between my earlobe n chin. I have it a few months now should i b concerned. Suppose i need to mention it to my haematologist which i should see in 2 weeks time.

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Hi @Ruth2 I think you answered your own question in your last line.
I think any symptoms we get that we are concerned about we should get checked out by our haematologist or GP, although I get obsessed that any symptom I get is connected to my blood cancer !!!
Please let us know how you get on and look after yourself


I would definitely mention this to your consultant. I’m glad you don’t have to long to wait. I have follicular lymphoma and at every appointment I mention something new that I’m worried about. However, it’s better than things playing on you mind. Please let us know how you get on :blush:


Thku Nicola and Erica. Yes my appointment is shortly so i will mention it even though it is not giving me any bother. I just feel it when i am applying face moisturiser. Maybe with Follicular lymphoma we should expect such swellings of the lymph i dont know. But i will check it out. Thku.


Hi @Ruth2 hope you’re doing okay. Our @BloodCancerUK_Nurses might also have some further general info so I’ve tagged them in. Good to hear you’re bringing this up with your haematologist when you see them - don’t be afraid to get in touch with your clinical team in between appointments too if ever you have concerns.


Thku Alice. Yes im doing ok. Not loosing weight n not having night sweats. So indicators seem good.


Oh definitely mention to your team. I must admit that I get really paranoid about everything out of the ordinary and almost feel guilty of I mention things to doctors, like I’m taking up their valuable time but better to get things checked than not.


Dear @Ruth2, thank you for posting.
I would mention this to your Haematologist when you next speak to them in 2 weeks. Of course it is normal to worry about such lumps but please be reassured it could be an inflammatory response. I would advise you to note the size and timings that you have noticed this lump. I would also mention whether the size has increased.
If you do need to dicuss this please do give us a call: How to contact Blood Cancer UK | Blood Cancer UK
Kind regards


I was in for my review today n mentioned the lump to my haematologist. He felt it n examined around my jaw n neck area. He said it is most likely b my low grade follicular lymphoma. N didnt think the benefits would outweigh the risks of exposing me to radio/chemo at this time as i was generally feeling well. I have other enlarged lymph nodes in my body so suppose focusing on a specific area isnt the way to go. Anyway i feel it ok to watch n wait for another 4 months when i will b seen again.


I am glad @Ruth2 that you are being monitored in 4 mths time but perhaps if your symptoms change you could always contact your haematologist or nurse contact in between for peace of mind.
Please keep posting and look after yourself.


Thanks for taking the time to update us. Im glad you mentioned it. Your consultant seems very good and it’s so important to have trust in them. As @Erica said, you can always contact them earlier if you need to. Hope you relaxed tonight. Appointments really take it out of me x


Hi @Ruth2 I have been thinking of you and I just wondered how you are thinking and doing?
Take care of yourself

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Erica that is nice u r thinking of me thku. Really i remain the same the lump above my jawline on the inside is still there n about the same size. I was just thinking if they were to remove it n do a biopsy what would b the results. Could i cope with the uncertainity n finding out what exactly it is. Ignorance is bliss maybe sometimes. Ok im told its more than likely lowgrade lymphoma but does that mean it is now turned into a tumour. R clump of cells together. Maybe that constitutes a tumour. Just dont know. Hope u r well Erica.

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It’s so hard isn’t it and brings up so many questions, thoughts and feelings! X

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Yes indeed Nichola you r right. Im just going to enjoy the summer first anyway. Hope you r keeping well too.


Hello there @Ruth2, I am so sorry that still have uncertainty about your Lymphoma. When you saw the Haematology team were you given a plan or to continue on watch and wait? Do you have a Clinical Nurse Specialist you can call to talk these concerns through with? You are most welcome to call our Support Line to talk through your concerns: How to contact Blood Cancer UK | Blood Cancer UK
Take care

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Gemma thku for your reply. I was to continue with watch n wait n if i had any problems with it then phone the haematology unit. I may phone u if that ok at some stage for more clarification but at the minute i am just really watching n waiting n getting on with life.