Petechiae differences

I usually name all mine, yes I need a life but must admit was impressed with this one. If carlsberg could do petechiae :sweat_smile::rofl::joy:


Hi @Zambo I love the naming idea.


Can petechiae turn into blood filled blisters that never actually bleed, strange things going on, hopefully get a phone appointment tomorrow. Hope everyone is keeping well :heart:

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Doctor is now getting haematologist advice

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My haematologist told me mine were age spots and basically to stop fussing…should I be concerned a new one has appeared?

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Hi @Kimmie17 perhaps it’s worth you checking out for your own peace of mind.
Please let us know how you get on.
Look after yourself


How would I check this? Thanks for the response!

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I took a picture, sent it to the doctors and asked for a telephone consultation. Spoke to him saying I was really worried along with the other symptoms. He is speaking to a haematologist

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Hi @Kimmie17 perhaps I would check it out either with your GP, your consultant again or your Clinical Nurse Specialist (if you have one) and stress how concerned you are.
Is there any family history of similar petechiae/ marks/blisters?
@Zambo, good thinking, please let us know how you get on.


The doctor is going to consult the haematologist :grin: will let you know

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Another day more petechiae, sent more pics to doctor and he has ordered another FBC and telephone consultation 2 days after. Anyone else feels they are going round in circles


No, I don’t have any family history of it. :relaxed:


Hi @Kimmie17, there is no family history that I know of either.