I’ve been told that I may have Polycythemia (not sure if it’s Polycythemia Vera or the non-cancerous versions).
My haematcrit has been slightly high for over a year but has repeatedly been shrugged off by my GP as being dehydrated at the time of the blood tests (I didn’t know this until I gained access to the NHS app and could view my medical records). This is despite the fact I spoke to my GP about excessively drinking water: I usually drink around 5-6 litres per day but I don’t know why. My haemoglobin is high-normal but has been high twice in the past year.
Anyway back to the point of this post - early last year I started to suffer from repeated episodes of hypoglycaemia but tests showed I’m not diabetic. I’m currently under the care of an Endocrinologist to investigate why: he thought it could be insulinoma but an MRI came back clear.
Does anyone with Polycythemia have problems with Hypoglycaemia? Just curious that there may be a cause and effect going on.
Thanks again.