Smouldering myeloma and pain

Hello My name is Pam and was diagnosed November 2023 at age if 81. Can sudden arm pain (both) be a sign that it is becoming active?Have not discussed with anyone as yet. Have consultation at end of this month so will certainly mention it then? Also could Lichen Sclerosis have anything to do with myeloma?


Hi @PamD and welcome to the forum.
I have a different blood cancer but understand the worry it can cause when a new pain arises.
Obviously I can’t comment as this is something for your medical team but others may be able to share their experiences. I have also copied in the @BloodCancerUK_Nurses.
It’s great that you have an appointment with your consultant coming up so you will be able to discuss this with him. Do you have a clinical nurse you could contact before if the pain continues?


Hi @PamD I am glad that you have found us.
@Nichola75 has given you a great response.
I have another blood cancer, but if you are anything like me, I am 74ys old, I have other conditions too, Therefore we are very complex beings so knowing which symptom is attributed to which condition, if any, if either, if all, I find very confusing.
Yes, definitely one for your medical people and if you feel you need to sooner rather than later.
Please do look after yourself and let us know how you get on and please do keep posting


Dear @PamD,

Welcome to our forum.

Sorry to hear about your new arm pain. I hope it is not causing you too much distress. Normally Smouldering Myeloma does not cause any symptoms therefore any onset of new pain should be reported to your haematology team. Do you have a specialist nurse? I would suggest reaching out to them and letting them know about your new symptoms. I have linked here some information on Smouldering Myeloma which you might find helpful Blood Cancer UK Smouldering Myeloma

In regards to your question on Lichen Sclerosis and Myeloma , this might be something to ask your haematology team.

Take care
Fiona (support services nurse)


Hello Fiona
Thank you for your response and link. I do have a specialist nurse and will speak to her about both issues. Have telephone consultation booked for 30 December.

Kind regards



Hi Erica
Thanks for your response. Have telephone consultation with specialist on 30 December so will discuss both issues then. Oh the joys of getting old!

Kind regards.