Stress before and after checkups

I hope a different counsellor may be a better fit Anthony, sometimes it is so much about finding the right fit which can be tricky and difficult. Thank you for sharing your feelings, you are always welcome to do so here.

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I face a lot of stress after the Checkups. How can you manage it?


Hi @happppy a great big welcome to our forum and you ask the million-dollar question in my book.
I haven’t dealt with stress well since I was diagnosed 18 yrs ago.
My thoughts and emotions have been on high alert and the slightest thing triggers them.
I still get anxious before tests, before, during and after all medical appointments.
I find trying not to have too many things on my mind at once helps.
I write lists, I write everything I want to ask at appointments.
If I need to think about things I ask for time before responding.
I say ‘no’ to things, especially anything that I know will stress me out.
I make sure any expectations or tasks I set myself are manageable and reasonable.
I try and do things that I will enjoy or that makes me happy.
You say ‘after the check ups’ and I think that my emotions take much longer to subside than to trigger.
A great big proviso is I am certainly not perfect and definitely work in progress.
Personally I would just say you are just human, however there are techniques that can help. Blood cancer: mind and emotions | Blood Cancer UK have some but you might have some locally, your GP might help.
If you would just like to talk to someone, one off, the Blood Cancer UK support line is there for you.
Be kind to yourself and I look forward to hearing more about you

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Hi @VermontCarter and welcome to our forum.
Thank you for sharing what personally worked for you and you are right that it is a very important to talk about stress and other thoughts and feelings.
There is also a lot of useful information on the Blood Cancer UK website. Blood cancer: mind and emotions | Blood Cancer UK
I look forward to hearing more about you.
Look after yourself